Pics of you - Part IV

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You look like a nice group of friends. Do people often tell you you are very short? :lol:

Yup, sure do!! I usually get teased too!!
Last time I checked, 4ft 11ins. I was checked by a doctor back in 2005, I was the same height. Stopped growing around 11/12
Oh I finished gallaudet in 1996 but visited few times till 2001. i Moved out of DC. Your brother looks familiar though.

He is very well-known and popular in the Deaf community.
Just caught up on all the recent pics! What a bunch of beautiful people on AD.
DGirl101, pretty girl, your boys are so cute!! by the way, your necklace looks nice on you.
Wasn't running, I was walking.

Oh, fine,. At least I did not speculate that you were walking along the beach, head down, sobbing over the loss of your friend who had just been eaten by a shark. :hmm:
Oh, fine,. At least I did not speculate that you were walking along the beach, head down, sobbing over the loss of your friend who had just been eaten by a shark. :hmm:

I think he was trying to find wifi signal for his iTouch so he can :type: on AD

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