Pics of you - Part IV

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great. thank you for the input

It is a rewarding job. I get frustrated, with other staff members at times. Since I am basically in charge. I get in trouble when "They" do not do their job. Then I have to get on to them. Those are the crappy days that I do not like.
Used to be a CNA... But I am now a Director/Teacher of a Pre-School and a School Age Center.

I wear scrubs, while I am working.

Really? Any particular reason?
Really? Any particular reason?

I love the pockets on them.

I rather to get finger paint on my scrubs than my good clothes. :) I do not like to wear aprons or smocks.

Majority of the staff wears them now. They come in several cute, bright colors that the kids like as well.
bingo. no wonder i keep jogging in my memory that he looks like that wrestle guy. ha

I was chillin out and took a good long walk by the beach at 6 in the morning.. lovin it.
Some pics from my trip to PA yesterday

My daughter ..on the way to PA


My good friend and I (she is the one with the 19 year old fiancee! LOL)


My two kids leaving my firend's house. (I drove for 3 hours to get there, stayed for 8 hours and left at 830 PM..was tired! )

Nice pictures Shel. Is Nathan wearing Crocs? This is a kid with my sense of style!! :lol:
Thanks Botts..yes, Nathan is wearing crocs. He has two pairs of them. :lol:
Shel you always have the best pics to share thanks for sharing again
Shel you always have the best pics to share thanks for sharing again

Thanks! U are sweet.

Love your pic! Love that color on you!

Great pics everyone else! I always enjoy looking at other people's pics! :wave:
Wow that's a lot of driving for you. Perhaps, a small plane might be a good way to go. It's great that your kids had a blast time.
Wow that's a lot of driving for you. Perhaps, a small plane might be a good way to go. It's great that your kids had a blast time.

My cousin owns a plane..should have asked him to fly me in it. LOL! Yea, I am glad the kids had a blast..they are both taking naps now. Still exhausted from such a busy day!
Wow! Shel your kids are getting big. The last picture of them, they were little.

Beautiful kids!!!
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