Pics of you - Part III

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For the first pic, I thought I'd share an old picture of me, about 9 years old. I am the one on the right. (the singer!) The others are my cousins. Ya know whats so funny about this picture? The drumset, the electric guitar, and the karaoke machine are ALL mine. Thinking back... are my parents in denial that I am profoundly deaf? :lol:

For the 2nd pic, evidently I still have my dream of being a singer. That was taken recently in the sound booth of Ryman Auditorium in Nashville.

BTW, Im a horrendous singer... I'd rather be a drummer!

Your voice is probably nice that you didn't even know it yet. It should be fun for you just to sing yourself. What a showoff! ;)
For the first pic, I thought I'd share an old picture of me, about 9 years old. I am the one on the right. (the singer!) The others are my cousins. Ya know whats so funny about this picture? The drumset, the electric guitar, and the karaoke machine are ALL mine. Thinking back... are my parents in denial that I am profoundly deaf? :lol:

For the 2nd pic, evidently I still have my dream of being a singer. That was taken recently in the sound booth of Ryman Auditorium in Nashville.

BTW, Im a horrendous singer... I'd rather be a drummer!

I like the kid with the funky glasses. He looks like a real rock n roller.
LOL, Thank you Jiro, Brad and Romany. And no, I don't model. I'm 38 years old !!! Too old for that stuff :)
Coupla pics my roommate took of me last fall .. The first one is a little bit "whited out" because of the lighting, but I still like the picture anyway!



So pretty!! :) You should join modeling for any ages...
omegaman - you look like John Turturro's brother
AlleyCat said:
Coupla pics my roommate took of me last fall .. The first one is a little bit "whited out" because of the lighting, but I still like the picture anyway!...
:wave: Gorgeous Ms Alley Cat! :kiss: :laugh2:
Hi Jake. Are you wearing a cowboy shirt with snaps?:hmm:
You missed the opportunity of seeing me as a cowboy many many months ago.
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