Picking on certain Members..

Your Mom said:
I believe if you stop reading into the posts, people are being rather jestfull and sarcastic.

Yeah tell me about it. There's a fine line for reading between the lines and detecting the sarcasm.
Jolie_77 said:
Yeah tell me about it. There's a fine line for reading between the lines and detecting the sarcasm.

Well, I dont think its a fine line, its just a matter of not taking an internet forum seriously.

Everyone keeps bitching about how users are picking on other users, I think the real problem is so many people here have no idea how to take a joke.
Your Mom said:
Well, I dont think its a fine line, its just a matter of not taking an internet forum seriously.

Everyone keeps bitching about how users are picking on other users, I think the real problem is so many people here have no idea how to take a joke.

You're right - Usually I would know a joke when I see it but sometime a joke can go only too far to be degrading. After all, It's the internet, right?
The*Empress said:
I think Guido is in love with me. :ily:

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Jolie_77 said:
You're right - Usually I would know a joke when I see it but sometime a joke can go only too far to be degrading. After all, It's the internet, right?

Well its just absurd, im not going to name names but some members get so terribly upset when someone cracks a joke on them, but then when they throw a tantrum and are serious and are so offensive and moronic that you think they are pyscotic. Every single person who is getting upset becuse people are picking on them is a hypocrite in my opinion they are all just as guilty.

Look at it, everyone that is upset about people being rude to them also do name calling, also throw fits, and are rude to other people.

And its just my opinion that its not going to change any time soon, everyone here has different opinions but rather some people here need to mature a bit and grow a thicker skin. Not everyone will get along and its abusrd to force people to get along, however you can learn how to let things roll off your shoulders and not get offended everytime someone doesnt like you.

Plenty of people dont like me in real life and on the internet, but I dont throw a fit crying because people dont like and people are rude. You just have to get over it, and let it roll off.

People on this forum need to learn that just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean that they are being rude, or hate you. People have different opinions and everyone needs to respect that.

Another huge problem on this forum is no one seems to grasp the difference between ARUGMENTS and DEBATES. Topics such as religion, sexuality and politics have to be regarded in the sense of a debate, you can disagree and debate with out making things personal and throwing a fucking fit.

Thats just my opinion.
THATS MY BABYCAKES!!! Get 'em girl ahahaha :ily:

FelixKat930 said:
is :topic: and a waste of time! Come on.. there's more to life than that! We may have different opinions on how we view things.. nothing wrong with that. And accussing a member of trying to be who it is or not. It just makes me angry.

Another thing is I do not like rumors. I think they are a waste of time too..Life is too short!

Sorry have to get it off my chest!
RoyalMajesty said:
Babycakes?? It makes me wanna BARF! :barf:

Get real

C'mon, couples have their own unique way of calling out their significant ones, it's just like I call my own: 'honeybuns' :D

Roadrunner said:
C'mon, couples have their own unique way of calling out their significant ones, it's just like I call my own: 'honeybuns' :D

Well honestly honeybuns sounds a lot better than babycakes... Babycakes is for wimps! Im sorry! lol
Boring and fun to read what ADers's thoughts for awhile. Its may help you to be better ADer in some ways....or not?. It is much easy to said anything here than person to person?.
Awww I am sorry.. *hugs*

And yes, I agree with you! :ily:

RainGurl said:
He got old and died :tears:

Well others could be called "crapcakes" right about now with the way they are acting. :ugh2:
RainGurl said:
He got old and died :tears:

Well others could be called "crapcakes" right about now with the way they are acting. :ugh2:
I almost spelled crapcakes but crabcakes is better :bowlol: