Picking on certain Members..


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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is :topic: and a waste of time! Come on.. there's more to life than that! We may have different opinions on how we view things.. nothing wrong with that. And accussing a member of trying to be who it is or not. It just makes me angry.

Another thing is I do not like rumors. I think they are a waste of time too..Life is too short!

Sorry have to get it off my chest!
moonflower said:
me too i get tired when it get old and boring
i always ignored

And that's the thing to do, either learn to ignore it and/or report it. ;)
Road Runner me and Lucia were only kidding around and playing with each other.Im sure you seen kids horseplay around in school.Why cant you allow it here at AD? :dunno:
Buckdodgers said:
Road Runner me and Lucia were only kidding around and playing with each other.Im sure you seen kids horseplay around in school.Why cant you allow it here at AD? :dunno:

Perhaps to you and maybe to the other member also, but apparently it was looked upon it in that manner, quite a few reports were filed which surely states that it didn't look like that....

Then perhaps in future posts that may be construed as bashing or picking on another member, however anyone sees it, with many different angles to be considered, it might be wise to add: j/k, joking, I'm just kidding around, etc., in the post. ;)
Roadrunner said:
And that's the thing to do, either learn to ignore it and/or report it. ;)

i know if it got out of control ofc i will report smile
If I see thing get out of hand or control then I dont post anything in the thread. If I dont like what in the thread then I dont post it. This way thing will be more friendlier then having going thou the hassle for nothing. Life is too short to be going throu like that.

I am not on anybody side just view my point. Thanks you. :wave:
Buckdodgers said:
Thanks Roadrunner,,I think i understand now ;)

I love to playing with you because you are funny...
FelixKat930 said:
is :topic: and a waste of time! Come on.. there's more to life than that! We may have different opinions on how we view things.. nothing wrong with that. And accussing a member of trying to be who it is or not. It just makes me angry.

Another thing is I do not like rumors. I think they are a waste of time too..Life is too short!

Sorry have to get it off my chest!

Yeah, I am tired of SEEIN' others pickin' on some certain members. It has been goin' on from one thread to another thread, and then more threads. Gee - I am now startin' to see WHO likes to jump in for others to follow and say such things to some certain members like this. I am startin' to get to know more and more who they really are after readin' their posts. I find it very immature in despite of their own age.
Yeah I see them do that in this in AllDeaf so all I do is ingore and in my mind said OH KNOCK IT OFF! that is all but I do ingore it :)
DeafMonkey said:
Yeah I see them do that in this in AllDeaf so all I do is ingore and in my mind said OH KNOCK IT OFF! that is all but I do ingore it :)

I'm gonna diss at you, probably tomorrow... watch me... :lol:
What is so special about dissing one or other? I just don't get it - I mean, There's nothing good about dissing someone. Sure sometime a thread can be heated but that does not mean it is necessary to turn it into a flame war. As for picking on a certain member, That can be out of control and it needs to have a lid on top of it. Otherwise, it's like opening pandora's box.
Jolie_77 said:
What is so special about dissing one or other? I just don't get it - I mean, There's nothing good about dissing someone. Sure sometime a thread can be heated but that does not mean it is necessary to turn it into a flame war. As for picking on a certain member, That can be out of control and it needs to have a lid on top of it. Otherwise, it's like opening pandora's box.

I believe if you stop reading into the posts, people are being rather jestfull and sarcastic.