pic of ur child

Katzie said:
Got distracted earlier... I'm back!

Cheri, your son is very handsome. Does he look like you? I can see the resemblance with blonde hairs. ;)

Liebling, Alan and Danny are very handsome. Alan definitely looks so much like you! :eek: I'm sure danny looks a lot like his father. He is soo tan. :eek: Nice pictures!

Thanks :hug:

Yes, Alan look like me.
Danny´s look take after his Dad. My hubby´s hair was blond when he was a little boy like him. You will surprise when you see the picture of my hubby as little boy compare with Danny. Me with Alan.
Yes, Danny went to swimming almost every day and use at our garden all the time in summer time that´s how he got tan easily same as his Dad!
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MsGiglz said:
CrazyRedHeadWV --- OMG hes growing big.. and still handsome!! hehe

Katzie--- LOL.. that reminds me of my other 4 oldest when they were little, they hate santa.. that age.. lol.. yours so cute!!.. very good pics....

LIebling--- Wow.. your boys are handsome! hehe.. i want steal your black calico kitty .. :-p

Cheri.. aww.. I thought your boys are much older.. lol .. sorry .. :)

Thanks :hug:

lol, Kim is mine!!! "calico"? Do you mean mixed color like this (black, ginger & white)?. If yes. Yes, it´s her!!
Alan & Danny with Mickey mouse at Euro Disneyland in Paris last September 2003
Liebling:-))) said:
Ohhhhh, I didnt see the picture of your oldest son as I quote your first pictures of Markus. I saw those pictures on 9 pages....

awwww, your boys are sooooo cute and blond like you!!!!!!! It look like that ^Angel^'s boy and Markus - same age?

Really cool and lovely pictures!!!!

Thanks Liebling, :hug: No Markus and ^Angel^'s little boy do not have the same age, Jordan is 4 and other boy is 5 , But Jordan will be 5 on Jan.17 2005., ;)

And your boys are handsome too, watch out for chicks even slutty ones :lol:
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Cheri said:
Thanks Liebling, :hug: No Markus and Tyler do not have the same age, Jordan is 4 and Tyler is 5 , But Jordan will be 5 on Jan.17 2005., ;)

And your boys are handsome too, watch out for chicks even slutty ones :lol:

Thanks Cheri :hug:

wow, Jordan´s & Tyler´s age are close!
Here is a picture of me and my 3 boys ...14, 9 and 5

Here is a picture of my boys... Oldest is Elias at 2 1/2 yr. and youngest is Preston at 6 months on left image. Preston with Prunes all over on his face, see how blue his eyes are! Elias on our deck in our backyard last summer.

(Right now, Elias will turn 3 on Jan 27th and Preston will turn 1 on March 5th - they are 2 yrs 1 month 5 days apart). :P


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Awww your boys are soooooo handsome, Angel

Downing, your boys are sooo cuteee and beautiful. The 1st picture of your boys are beautiful and nice clothes.
Awww your boys are soo cute; downing. :)

My landlord name is Elias too grrr I cannot stand that guy. :whistle:
^Angel^ said:
Here is a picture of me and my 3 boys ...14, 9 and 5


oh i didnt realize you had three boys.. i keep getting you guys confused! grrr.. so cheri has two boys and angel has three boys.. got it.. it better stick to my brain! LOL so your two boys are the same age as angel's boys.. right??
downing said:
Here is a picture of my boys... Oldest is Elias at 2 1/2 yr. and youngest is Preston at 6 months on left image. Preston with Prunes all over on his face, see how blue his eyes are! Elias on our deck in our backyard last summer.

(Right now, Elias will turn 3 on Jan 27th and Preston will turn 1 on March 5th - they are 2 yrs 1 month 5 days apart). :P

awww HOW ADORABLE!!! love preston's hair on the top!! how cute!!! awwww!!!
zesty said:
oh i didnt realize you had three boys.. i keep getting you guys confused! grrr.. so cheri has two boys and angel has three boys.. got it.. it better stick to my brain! LOL so your two boys are the same age as angel's boys.. right??

Yep, I have three boys and Cheri has two boys and almost the same age.....

Aww Cute kids everyone! :thumb:
Sorry. My boys names are from family members name...some ppl have names that I hate but what can i do? sigh.... it sux sometimes!
^Angel^ said:
Yep, I have three boys and Cheri has two boys and almost the same age.....

Aww Cute kids everyone! :thumb:

did you guys copy each other?? or something?? cuz i hear stories that twins do that.. like getting married at the same time, having babies at the same time, knowing when the other twin is in trouble (hurt in an accident), etc..

i had this dorm mate at uconn.. she had a twin that went to college in maine or something like that.. one night she started to get pains and everything.. it was SO SCARY to see her acting out with all those pains.. we couldnt understand why!?? it turns out that HER TWIN was in A NEAR FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT.. it was so eerie!! :shock: (sorry off the topic!!)
Finally, I found Digital Camera and plugs (to computer) since we moved.. hehe.

here.. Marshalee.. 5 months old..

More to come.. rest of kids are out with grandma.. :greddy:

Y'all got cute pictures of your kids! They're awesome! Can't wait to have our first daughter!
YAYA!!! she sitting up by herself without help.. day after my b-day.. its her gift for me.. :giggle: (she drools alot that she is going through teething.. already have 2 bottom ones)...

:aw: MsGiglz

She is soo Beautiful I want to hold her. awwww She looks like she is Italian is she? :)

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