Some of you guys know that I am newbie at Alldeaf dot com, so I'd like to point out my reference to some aspect of early discussion in this thread about Photoshop saving images for web. I agree with Illustrator's comment -- we can't save images as 100 percent for web use. We need to bear that in back of our mind, not all Internet users have access or luxury of having high-speed blasting fast broadband/cable modem. The majority of Internet users still use "old" computer and/or "painfully slow as snail" 56k (or slower) modems.
Also, I have found that even if Internet users set their perference to set their 56k modems to 56k speed. But when they made a dail-up connection to their ISP, they have absolutely no control over servers' priority to establish speed rate for that dail-up connection between their ISP clients and ISP dail-up connection modem/servers. And it depends on where, and when they connect to Internet.
Let's assume that there is Internet user use 56k modem, this Internet user realized that their browser is downloading for just one image file and waiting for other files to be downloaded into their browser. The question is this: Is this person willing to sit down, stare in front of their computer monitor/laptop waiting for the entire page/image(s) to be 100 percent downloaded? I doubt it.
At any rate, if pages or images required to be downloaded for a "long" time, I'd bet that person will stop browser to download and go elsewhere. Longer than 8 or 9 seconds, it is to be considered a LONG time by Internet standard.
I know how that sounds. As it seems that 8 to 9 seconds is fast, but there are lot of people out there on the Internet do not have patience and are not willing to sit down and stare in front of their computer waiting for entire page/images to be completely downloaded.
Less than 8 seconds, that is GREAT! Longer than 8 seconds, I am not sure. Since I am using very fast cable modem with broadband service provider, it is totally different story. However, I always keep that myself in mind, not everyone have the access or luxury to use broadband access.
Hope this helps! Enuf to babble for now.
Also, I have found that even if Internet users set their perference to set their 56k modems to 56k speed. But when they made a dail-up connection to their ISP, they have absolutely no control over servers' priority to establish speed rate for that dail-up connection between their ISP clients and ISP dail-up connection modem/servers. And it depends on where, and when they connect to Internet.
Let's assume that there is Internet user use 56k modem, this Internet user realized that their browser is downloading for just one image file and waiting for other files to be downloaded into their browser. The question is this: Is this person willing to sit down, stare in front of their computer monitor/laptop waiting for the entire page/image(s) to be 100 percent downloaded? I doubt it.
At any rate, if pages or images required to be downloaded for a "long" time, I'd bet that person will stop browser to download and go elsewhere. Longer than 8 or 9 seconds, it is to be considered a LONG time by Internet standard.
I know how that sounds. As it seems that 8 to 9 seconds is fast, but there are lot of people out there on the Internet do not have patience and are not willing to sit down and stare in front of their computer waiting for entire page/images to be completely downloaded.
Less than 8 seconds, that is GREAT! Longer than 8 seconds, I am not sure. Since I am using very fast cable modem with broadband service provider, it is totally different story. However, I always keep that myself in mind, not everyone have the access or luxury to use broadband access.
Hope this helps! Enuf to babble for now.