I love it when you talk like that. rar.
The two bodies still have fair coloring on their skin. These are people of ethnic middle eastern descent, naturally their skins will be tanner. After being left out for at least a few weeks, you'll definitely see that it has turned paler than it was before. African people show similar death sequences.
When a body is left untouched for a while, you start to notice gradual changes post death anywhere from a few hours until 1+ month when it starts decaying, assuming everything is at ideal room temperature. This is generally speaking around 20-30C. Gravity plays a huge role in the sequence of events post death.
'Mortis' refers to death, there are four general sections they cover in identification. Livor, rigor, algor, pallor.
The most notable in any crime scene photo are Livor and Rigor. These can be seen in photos. Algor and Pallor, generally, are harder to discern without actually being there.
Pallor - This occurs right away when you touch a noticably recent dead body. Imagine when you press against your palm and it turns white for a few seconds. It turns red after blood circulates back. Since the heart is no longer pumping, blood isn't circulating and you would notice the paleness 'sticks'. This is followed by Livor.
Livor - Gravity is acting on the blood in the veins, in the body. They aren't just staying in the same spot, they're all going to flow down given that the body was lying up the whole time. This will cause a paleness to the overall body that gravity is not acting against, but the underside where the pressure points on the ground have not been touching, will be dark purple and red from the buildup of blood.
Rigor - Stiffness of the body from holding an object or something while they died. Like if someone was holding a gun or a knife, or a table leg. It causes the areas where the muscles were last used to become stiff, almost like trying to force open someone's hand who doesn't want to open it. Like the dead pirate's hand holding the treasure, that kind of thing. This happens after the death when it's been left alone for awhile, but it is easier if someone straightened them up right away after they died.
Algor - This is a change in temperature of the body. As you knew already our bodies constantly metabolize inside and is in the 90's degrees, a dead person will have this number keep going down until it is at room temperature.
I'm sure if you google up there will be photos, but they're likely going to be dead people so take note of that for your tummies.