Phone excuse??

I am sure there are alot of companies out there who are willing to hire "potential candidates" who would be an asset to their organization. As far as the law goes regarding reasonable accommodations, I myself don't know how companies react to it, but it is a known fact that if the company-size is small, the organization may not be able to provide sufficient funding for reasonable accommodations. Just apply to some good, well known reputed company and show them your assets (your skills, your potential to succeed, etc.).
Well in my job i am required to communicate first through e-mails to the different attorneys i deal with. I am required to send an e-mail. Then if no response send a second. If still no response i am required to make a telephone call. I hate using the phone but i am required to. i make an avearage of 2 calls a day because of this proceedure. There are some people that just will not respond to an e-mail, you can send 10 and they still will not respond. Even with the call proceedure i still have people that don't respond and i have to escalate that to management. I don't think it is a valid excuse but i can see were they might get that idea. You would have to have people that don't know the case call on it. still you could be missing out on a good worker for that small reason.
I noticed that many deaf people dont get hired in the fields such as medical records, graphic designing, computer programming, and store management. Usually the reason is the inability to do phone duties. Now, we have emails, pager, and relay services so why is that still an issue? I am starting to wonder if that is used as an excuse not to hire deaf people? What do u think?

I absolutely think it is an excuse. As I just posted in another thread, we have the technology so access is not the issue any longer. We have ways to make sign intelligible to the hearing and spoken language intelligible to the deaf. It is not an issue of access.
I'll use those tips when I get on a VP job interview tmw... ;)
I'll use those tips when I get on a VP job interview tmw... ;)

:giggle: @ nozobo

But since I made my last post in this thread I have sadly gone to work for someone else since I was not brining in enough money on my own.

For the most part the company and HR people were pretty cool about my deafness, but some of my coworkers are not and they act very cold to me like they do not want to converse.

I hope I can get a QWERTY phone soon and I can beam them a couple of times during breaks or if I can offer someone a ride home if they need it.

Break times are the worst - I can be outside smoking and there are 30 other people out there with me and I cannot hear the person trying to get my attention and then when I do respond they look at me like Im a doofus lost in a daydream.

I think I am going to have to sit down with a couple of people and say hey -- I am not dumb, just deaf. If you want communicate with me you have a few options to get my attention. It is very frustrating somedays.
:giggle: @ nozobo

But since I made my last post in this thread I have sadly gone to work for someone else since I was not brining in enough money on my own.

For the most part the company and HR people were pretty cool about my deafness, but some of my coworkers are not and they act very cold to me like they do not want to converse.

I hope I can get a QWERTY phone soon and I can beam them a couple of times during breaks or if I can offer someone a ride home if they need it.

Break times are the worst - I can be outside smoking and there are 30 other people out there with me and I cannot hear the person trying to get my attention and then when I do respond they look at me like Im a doofus lost in a daydream.

I think I am going to have to sit down with a couple of people and say hey -- I am not dumb, just deaf. If you want communicate with me you have a few options to get my attention. It is very frustrating somedays.

True but hey, if somebody tried talking to you and you could just use ASL to sign back and they'll probally feel stupid
I may just tell them if they want to talk to me then tap me on the shoulder if my back is towards them, or if they are in front of me to wave at me and I'll notice and I'll be like, yes? You need something? Light? Cig?? OK Here ya go. Oh Betty needs a ride home? Where does she live? No I cant give her a ride home she's too far out of my way. That sort of thing. Nothing complicated, with our short breaks that is all we have time for anyway.

I dont want to make someone feel stupid, I think alot of it stems from the face that 90% of these people have never met a deaf person their whole lives and not really sure what to make of it. Sort of shell shocked in a way I guess.
That do exist today. I was ditched by Winco foods while I just want to be a stocking person. They ditched me because of ridicilious interpreter. Glad I have a better job than that today.
I used be professional banker. My job reguire a phone but My boss said I didn't have to use the phone. I just gave her or employee info so they called any company. But everything turn very bad because employee were not honest with me and my boss. My boss asked employee to tell me what she want me do. Employee didn't tell me what my boss said. They told me to do differnet job. My boss got mad at me that I didnt do her order. I got first warning then Bank's CEO boss said if I don't do my job then I will be fired without 2 or 3 warning. Whoa That was so crazy. I had to fill the complain at the Utah state and hired lawyer. I had to drop the case because I was pregnact. My lawyer and I made best settlement without suing the bank. My doctor had order me to not sue or I can lost baby. Tooo Stressful to deal with my hell job and lawyer, the State same time! horrible!
Phillips are you talking about Chesapeake Bay Retrievers?? If so I wonder if we both know a certain person who is active in Chessie Rescue and Relief.

Would like that.. :):) pm me
My job reguire a phone but My boss said I didn't have to use the phone. I just gave her or employee info so they called any company.

Same here, my job do requires phone communication but from my first store before I transferred to 2nd then 3rd store, when a phone rang, I usually pick up and transfer the line to customer service desk then I walk over there to see who was it... easy for me
These very companies we're talking about are have very well-trained HR personnel on how to say things so they won't get their asses sued over discrimination. If they think that your deafness/hoh may be a liability for the company then all they have to say is, 1.) You're overqualified for the job. 2.) Your underqualified for the job. or 3.) The other applicants were better suited for the job, but we will keep your application on file for X-number of days in case there is a new opening. *application is then handed to the secretary who then places it in the shredder in the other room*

So you see they can tell you that they dont want you in their workplace due to your disability without actually having to say it. HR-managers are trained very well by company lawyers on how to do this very skillfully and its all about dodging a lawsuit before it can ever happen. That is why it is very very hard to file a hiring discrimination suit against said company.

All I can say is document, document, document and continue to document if you think you are being discriminated against for gainful employment.

This is why I started working for myself. I got tired of sitting in for job interviews and knowing I wouldnt get hired because of my hoh. I got burned out on trying to find work, so I made my own. And I love my job although there are days I wish I worked for someone else, but still at least I've got something.

You are exactly right! They will use any other excuse that sounds viable, but it is obvious what the real reason is. Documentation is the key.
its very hard and very dumb excuse that i ever encouter.. just like the last job i tried to apply, took a test and passed.. however they stated that they're looking for someone else.

I'm aware this shows that they don't want to hassle with me due to my deafness.. however there's no discrimiation there. they didn't say the real reasons. this is what makes me mad so there's no prove to sue for discrimation.

just like TLFacon stated he communicates with his supervisor with SK2.. its amazon.. i also notice there's other tech-gap things for Deafies and so for commication. just like those VP, a computer that transulate from spoken to text, and list goes on.

I also know couple of deaf people who are managers, computer science, computer programer, fireman, truck drivers, etc..

they told me how they get the job.. and all its simple is they have their pagers with them, or sidekick.

there was formly a walmart manager who is deaf.. however she quit. but she made it that postion and all managers require a walkie-talkie at walmart stores.

i believe those companies who use a phone as an excuse.. are not educated about techology aviliable to deaf/ hh people.. they need to be trained.. a trainer can be from CSD, avociate, VR, DHS and list goes on.

theres many alternative ways to use an employee using no phone or different techology.

and again.. never give up.. when you're in interview.. be honest.. and tell them that you are not able to speak/hear the phone, also tell them that there's other ways if you can think of one that matchs their company.

for example, in a bank branch working at customer service.. there's a computer that transulates speak into text, answering phone calls, you can use someone else if aviliable, or use VP.. thats the only tech i know of that is highly aviliable.. if any ideas thats better than vp.. lemme know