Phonak unveils 2 new hearing aids

I think I am getting these "growing pains". I still am not 100% sure what the transpositional sounds are really supposed to sound like....any way to describe it? Not sure what sounds will make the area of the sound transposition.

The more they have to transpose, the stranger it can sound. It's hard for me with normal hearing to tell you what it should sound like with a given hearing loss. I will say this though, the feedback from a transpositional aid sounds like crickets as opposed to a whistle.
The more they have to transpose, the stranger it can sound. It's hard for me with normal hearing to tell you what it should sound like with a given hearing loss. I will say this though, the feedback from a transpositional aid sounds like crickets as opposed to a whistle. does sound very strange indeed......I just wish I can figure out how to find out what certain sounds really are supposed to sound....I may have my audiologist bring out high pitched sounds that normally is transposed by the SoundRecover program. Can you give me some examples of sounds other than a whistle? I can hear my maybe another higher pitched sound or sounds? Or does it have to be faint? I have a 90 dB - 110 dB ski slope hearing in both ears.