Phonak Naida


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hey all!

I have noticed a lot of discussion on the new Phonak Naida lately and have decided that it deserves it's own thread!

I have a few questions for those of you using it or planning on trying it.

For starters I have heard all of these amazing stories of everything people are hearing with them. I am trying them next week *bouncing off the walls with anticipation* and I don't want to have any high hopes just incase they don't work for me. If you do use them, or are planning on trying them what are you thresholds likes? What is your speech discrim like? What aids were you using before? How much did they help? What differences in sound quality have you noticed?

My most recent audiogram (done last Tuesday) looks like this...

Air conducted, right ear: 250hz-100db, 500hz-100db, 1000hz-90db, 2000hz-100db, 3000hz-90db, 4000hz-110db, and I did not respond to 6000hz or 8000hz at all.

Air conducted, left ear: 250hz-95db, 500hz-105db, 1000hz-100db, 1500hz-115db, 2000hz-110db, and I did not respond to 3000hz, 4000hz, 6000hz, or 8000hz.

My bone conducted results are fairly similar maybe better by about 5 db.

My speech discrim was 0% on that test as well.

My audie has never worked with Naida's before so she has no idea what I can expect. I know all hearing loss is different and no two people react the same way to aids, but I want to know if anyone with similar thresholds have had success with aids, not just Naida's. I guess I am just so sick of waiting to see if things will work LOL:giggle: I am very much the kind of person who likes to plan ahead and know what to expect!

Anyway feel free to post anything about high powered aids, Naida's, profound loss, or anything else!
Is it Thursday yet?! No? Oh come on. *waits impatiently* I'm guessing the price to be about $2,200ish, but will find out for sure on Thursday. I have no clue what my thresholds are right now, pft. Speech discrimination, from when I was evaluated for the CI in September, ... uh got 52% within the right ear (left ear is completely deaf/dead.. yeah)

and my last audiogram done while I was still in high school can be found here:
CD's Ear Blog: audiogram
(I don't even know if I have a copy of the audiogram from September at home...)

I just wish it was Thursday. I am rather anxious to talk to my audiologist about the Naida. Even my deaf friend who just recently got the Supero hearing aids likes the new Naida from listening to the presentation on the Phonak website.
I know what you mean about being anxiouse! I have to wait until NEXT monday to get mine!! That's the 31st!!!

I may need to see my audie before that though...I saw my family doctor today and she thinks I am allergic to my right ear mold...:S...both my molds are made out of the same material but she seems to think I am only allergic to the right strange!
I know what you mean about being anxiouse! I have to wait until NEXT monday to get mine!! That's the 31st!!!

I may need to see my audie before that though...I saw my family doctor today and she thinks I am allergic to my right ear mold...:S...both my molds are made out of the same material but she seems to think I am only allergic to the right strange!

I would then clean the molds with an alcohol swap pad and clean it every day. It might be possible that you may have small infection in the ear canal that is causing yours ears to go a bit red and heated. Most of today's earmolds are not anywere near as allergic that they used to be in the old days with vinyl earmolds, for example. I use a special ear drops that I make at home twice a week to keep any ear infection or fungus from happing in the ear canal and I can tell you from experience that once ear infection or fungus sets in they are a bit hard to get out.
I would then clean the molds with an alcohol swap pad and clean it every day. It might be possible that you may have small infection in the ear canal that is causing yours ears to go a bit red and heated. Most of today's earmolds are not anywere near as allergic that they used to be in the old days with vinyl earmolds, for example. I use a special ear drops that I make at home twice a week to keep any ear infection or fungus from happing in the ear canal and I can tell you from experience that once ear infection or fungus sets in they are a bit hard to get out.

I am pretty good about cleaning my molds, never thought to clean them super well everyday...I will try that! I sent my audie an email telling her what the doctor had said...we will see if my audie wants to see me tomorrow or not. I better not be allergic to my molds, that is just one more thing to add to my list of current ear related drama :giggle:
OMG! Today is the day! I get them today! :wiggle::applause::hyper::dance2:

Only 3 hours and 10 minutes until I go to my audi's!! AHH!

I am trying so hard to not be excited incase they don't help! But's hard!:giggle:
good luck on your new hearing aids . keep us informed
Well I tried them! There were technical difficulties with the left aid though so I won't actually have them until Friday...which kind of sucks.

But for the 15 minutes I was able to try them I heard more than I was expecting too! I heard speech, it was just mumbles though. I couldn't discriminate anything that either my audie or the rep were saying, but I heard sound! I am looking forward to being able to try them out in the real world! My audiologist is working on finding me a better speech-language pathologist that I will actually like and want to work with haha. Mine is an idiot. Anyway hearing any sort of speech at all was way more than I was expecting so I am pleased with that. I will probably still rely on speech reading for the rest of my life though. Another hope is that the Naidas will improve my own speech a bit. We will see what it is going to be a VERY long wait until Friday!
oh got to love it when audie's computer doesn't work. Last July, I went to see my audie to have some adjustments made to my hearing aid so I could hear voices better at my sister's wedding.. his new computer had crashed, so he had his old one out (they're both laptops)... the old one crashed on us while I was hooked up to the computer. Great. But, on Saturday morning OF the wedding (the audie's office is closed on weekends), I was able to see my audie and he got my hearing aid adjusted just in time for the wedding. wow. But to have both laptops crash though, wow.
Wow, gotta love audies that will work on weekends for you!

My audies computer worked for programming the aids and such, it was the aid that was broken which is why were could program it. They didn't have internet working and their billing system is tied to the internet or something so they couldn't give me prices or let me pay for anything. I am *REALLY* hoping the aid comes back fixed before the end of the week. I would *REALLY* like them for the weekend! I am going home the weekend and would love to have at least some sound.
$1985! .. no wait $1895 haha yeah. My brain likes to switch numbers around on me. And the remote would be $400ish... hm yep. Made an appointment for April 25th (could've had him order it on Monday morning and gotten the hearing aid by the end of next week but I'm going on vacation on the 14th and I KNOW I'll be bugging my audie for adjustments frequently for a while).
Yay! I STILL don't have mine! I am really, really hoping I will get them Monday or Tuesday. I also ordered new earmolds so I don't know which one I am actually waiting for, if not both! *Sigh*...oh well. I am still SUPER excited though!

I hope they work out for you, and I have a feeling I will be bugging my audi for adjustments quite a bit to hehehe. Sucks you have to wait until the end of the months though!
yeah, but that was my own decision. I didn't want to go to NC, and end up going crazy because the hearing aid's not programmed right. No, better to wait until i get back home to get the Naida and go through the process of getting it programmed to my liking. :) I'll probably call sometime this week to make sure he is ordering the Zebra-style for the appointment, as it wasn't really confirmed when I talked to the assistant on Friday.
yeah, but that was my own decision. I didn't want to go to NC, and end up going crazy because the hearing aid's not programmed right. No, better to wait until i get back home to get the Naida and go through the process of getting it programmed to my liking. :) I'll probably call sometime this week to make sure he is ordering the Zebra-style for the appointment, as it wasn't really confirmed when I talked to the assistant on Friday.

Zebra! Very nice! I am boring - beige :giggle:
I have brown right now, and I'm sick of it. I wish I had asked for a different color when I got the Supero. This time, it'll be a jazzy looking HA thanks. :) My last one was beige, but at first the FM receiver was silver, but when it was replaced, it was beige. Boy, I sure liked that silver FM.
I received the Naida and they are incredible. The sounds I am hearing are really really sweet. We are still tinkering with the phone settings and the music settings and to hear the movies and not have to turn on the closed captioning is really nice too. Got to be able to carry on a conversation in a noisy bar too.
Good luck with yours
I wonder if all hearing aid with power for profound loss is all same sensation of amplification? Like Oticon sumo DM I tried that out in my unimplanted side I was dizzy get whoosh-ish feeling in my head and knock me off balance when hear low pitch. So if I try Naida or different brand will it be same since its same amount of amplification? Just exploring my option until I get unimplanted ear get CI I haven't decided if I should get it with freedom or if I should wait for higher electrode or ribbon styled electrode with 128 electrodes. My right ear's driving me crazy it won't stop trying to get sound come in right ear instead of left since its dominant ear and sometimes my brain even somehow bring sensation of sound coming in both ear with one CI instead of hear sound in left direction it feel like its middle-ish hard to describe.... but anyways just want see my option :)

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