Phonak Maxx vs. Phonak Naida

Supero is a phonak product and sumo is oticon i believe
Phonak Superos... I haven't heard of these? Are they good? How are they in relation to the Naidias?

Elliotts Dad... have you noticed a difference with his speech with the Naidas? Can you understand his words?

Tyler still just does a lot of baby babble... I believe some of it is him trying to speak but we just don't understand it.

The Naidas are his first hearing aids so I really cant compare them to any others. He has been wearing them for about 9 months now and his speech is getting better. Most of his speech that we do understand are single word requests for things he wants, or his favorite response to us, "NO!" It usually comes out as "mo" but its clear what he means because its usually accompanied by an emphatic ASL "NO!"
He does still "babble" a lot though, like he knows what he is saying. His sister is 2 so they have a lot of babble conversations that only they understand.
Details of the phonak Superos if that helps.

Digital high power BTE with AudioZoom multi microphone technology

Peak values: Ear simulator
Max. gain 81 dB
Max. power output 145 dB SPL
Frequency range 100–4800 Hz
2cm³ coupler
Max. gain 75 dB
Max. power output 140 dB SPL
Frequency range 100–4800Hz

Features: Digital MultiMode Signal Processing (dMSP)
5 hearing programs + mute
Digital Noise Canceler (dNC)
Power Dynamic Control for maximum protection without gain loss
Feedback manager
TacTronic multi-function switch
Customised signal tones for program confirmation and battery warning
Audio-input/MicroLink compatible
Battery size 675

Options: MicroLink ML4/MLxS/MLx
Audio shoe AS4 or AS4-MLx
Tamperproof battery cover KS 5-3
ColorLine colors
Hooks: HE3, HE3 680, HE3 1000
Remote control SoundPilot
Remote control KeyPilot, WatchPilot, WatchPilot2
I can't find the Superos on the Phonak website... wonder if they still make them???

I might just stick to my gut feeling, Naidas.

Thanks for the info ElliottsDad... it's nice to hear some else's story.
Supero is an older hearing aid. Like a good 3-4 generations of Phonaks ago I think.

I know CDMeggers has one.
I have the Supero and they are about two generations ago and they are a early Phonak all digital super power hearing aids. The noise canceler feature of the Phonaks are very similar to the clear voice that is coming out for the Advanced Bionics cochlear implants.
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is that the Phonak NAIDAS are transitional hearing aids - meaning they use a method of transitioning the higher frequencies down to the lower frequency range in order for better sound recognition to occur (from what I understood from my audiologist).

They are VERY different from normal hearing aids and it would probably require a longer adjustment period than going to a new hearing aid because of the transitioned frequencies, and it would be a very different hearing experience. One of the reasons why I decided against the NAIDAs because I had been wearing standard hearing aids my whole life (recently switching to digital in like 2001-ish).

For me, my hearing loss occurred at around 3 years old. I am 100% deaf in my left ear (no hearing aid) and wear a Unitron 360E hearing aid in my right ear (which is severe --> profound. It works wonderfully and probably the BEST hearing aid I've ever owned bar none.
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is that the Phonak NAIDAS are transitional hearing aids - meaning they use a method of transitioning the higher frequencies down to the lower frequency range in order for better sound recognition to occur (from what I understood from my audiologist).

They are VERY different from normal hearing aids and it would probably require a longer adjustment period than going to a new hearing aid because of the transitioned frequencies, and it would be a very different hearing experience. One of the reasons why I decided against the NAIDAs because I had been wearing standard hearing aids my whole life (recently switching to digital in like 2001-ish).

For me, my hearing loss occurred at around 3 years old. I am 100% deaf in my left ear (no hearing aid) and wear a Unitron 360E hearing aid in my right ear (which is severe --> profound. It works wonderfully and probably the BEST hearing aid I've ever owned bar none.

Transpositional is what they are.
lol you beat me to it bott...and yes the naidas are meant to be transpositional and the feature by phonak that does this is called sound recover and it doesn't have to be turned on the aid..also they do the transposing of the freqs little by little not all in one shot my audi likes to call is smooshing lol haha she "smooshes" other freqs i cant hear into the ones i can but this was done over a course of a few visits and adjustment appointments
LOL! Argh...yeah...I meant transpositional. A long day at work with no sleep can do that to ya. ;)
wow... these Naida's are very complex... they sound wonderful but I wonder if they would be too much for a 3 year old ???
wow... these Naida's are very complex... they sound wonderful but I wonder if they would be too much for a 3 year old ???

No, they would be appropriate for a child with a moderatly-severe to profound loss. My daughter used the Nadia for a short time and they were good.
Oh that's good to hear faire_jour...

Tyler has a moderate-severe bilateral loss.
I think it would still be ok for your son to wear esp if they can take some of the freqs that are in the severe range and move them to freqs he can hear better this is what the sound recover will do. Also for my naidas today I got something new called secure 'n stay and they would be really good for kids esp ones who are active and like to run around's in this section and I posted pics of it...seems like it will come in handy along with my ear gear as well for cheerleading and all the running tumbling I do:)
Key Features of Oticon Safari This link tells fitting range and what they can do.


that's the hearing aid I'm getting next year!
plus I'm getting mine in purple :)
The Oticon Safari 134/127db output is just a bit less power than my Phonak Supero. The Oticon Safari does have Spatial sound processing when using two aids that talks to each other that supposedly helps to improve localization cues but I can not wear two aids any more with my CI implant.