I actually got an email today from the audi, who was MUCH nicer than usual, she CC'd another audi who apparently is going to make another appt to do the HINT test over before march
Hopefully the other audi emails me back soon with a sooner date and time. This was the email...
Hi Alicia,
I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for keeping me informed about your situation. I would like to see you earlier but unfortunately my schedule is extremely busy. I would not be able to see you before the date provided to you in March. However as an alternative, Chantal, an audiologist with many years of experience in our department could see you earlier. I have copied Chantal on this email so that you can make arrangements with her to book for the testing required by Dr. Schramm.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to communicate with us.
A heck of a lot nicer than usual..lol My guess is that she heard that my mom wasn't too happy with the way she's treated me in the past