First of all - This needs to be cleared up.
When a member is banned - They are expected to be followed by the ban time line that is provided in the forum rules.
In this case Jillio was banned for a good reason. It is not because of her personality trait that resulted in her ban. When a member is banned, it should not be any of one's concern as to why they are banned. That is between the moderators/admin and the banned member.
There are protocols for the ban as it has been shown over and over again.
If you guys feel that the ban time line needs to be modified or shortened; Take it up with the admin (Alex in this case) because after all, He is the one that decides the ban time line.
When a member has been previously banned for 24 hours, and when there's another ban that occurs, that member will be given 48 hours ban, so and on until that member receives the permanent ban. I happen to think that the ban time line is reasonable and fair for all of us here because you don't see a lot of flexibility on the ban procedure in a lot of various forums. Some forums will give you a permanent ban on ONE try, That's how cold it can be.
As for favoritism - We do not lift a ban for someone who happens to be well-liked on AllDeaf. That is not how it works. If a banned member wants to have their ban lifted, They will need to contact the moderator who gave him/her the ban to work out on a compromise.
When a moderator gives out a ban (we don't like it but we will if we have to provided what the reasons were for) - We will follow it with the ban record we have on each member.
I hope this clears it up. If there's any question, Feel free to ask or to do so.
Thank You.