Petition against Staples cut hours

I hate to be the one to say "I told you so" but ......

I told you so.
My father was a small business owner and if he had to provide health insurance for the three to six temp workers we had, he'd have no business. We had no steady work. When we had work, it was a few days at a time. Many times people would stop payment on a check to squeeze more out of him after saying to his face that they were "delighted" with the work. We worked for a lot of rich a***** that wanted us to do a job for free. I remember one person, who was deaf, had us clean her dump (literally) in Salem, MA. We had a crew of four or five. She didn't pay us after three days of hard work and there was nothing we could do about it. You know who paid the workers? My Dad. You know who paid him so he could pay our bills. No one. Now Obama wants small businesses like my Dad to pay him to look good with this nightmare he calls health care....Obama can jump in the lake. All I can think of are patients of good Cancer doctors that are helping them win the battle and Obama care is making them drop their health plan and find another doctor. Not impressed....


He doesn't have to. Businesses with less than 50 employees do NOT have to provide health insurance, all they are required to do is let employees know that the exists. That's it. Give them a piece a paper with a web address on it.

Sooooo if a business is cutting hours and telling employees it's because of the ACA they're a) assholes b) dumb and haven't actually checked the law.
My father was a small business owner and if he had to provide health insurance for the three to six temp workers we had, he'd have no business. We had no steady work. When we had work, it was a few days at a time. Many times people would stop payment on a check to squeeze more out of him after saying to his face that they were "delighted" with the work. We worked for a lot of rich a***** that wanted us to do a job for free. I remember one person, who was deaf, had us clean her dump (literally) in Salem, MA. We had a crew of four or five. She didn't pay us after three days of hard work and there was nothing we could do about it. You know who paid the workers? My Dad. You know who paid him so he could pay our bills. No one. Now Obama wants small businesses like my Dad to pay him to look good with this nightmare he calls health care....Obama can jump in the lake. All I can think of are patients of good Cancer doctors that are helping them win the battle and Obama care is making them drop their health plan and find another doctor. Not impressed....


Nothing they could do about it??? Take her to court! Simple as that. There is evidence work was done. Easy case. See it on Judge Judy all the time.
Nothing they could do about it??? Take her to court! Simple as that. There is evidence work was done. Easy case. See it on Judge Judy all the time.
It's not always that easy. Sometimes the cost involved (fees, missed work, transportation) is not worth it. Also, just because they win the judgment it doesn't mean they collect the money. Deadbeats don't pay, they leave town. It happens.
Nothing they could do about it??? Take her to court! Simple as that. There is evidence work was done. Easy case. See it on Judge Judy all the time.

Time is money. I believe my father contacted the police and reported it but beyond that, he wasn't going to chase her. Thankfully we're no longer in the business but the economy forcing us out isn't much consolation. I think he's glad I didn't try and make the company work on my own. I absolutely HATED clients like this and I probably would have hunted her down. I don't know how my father put up with it as long as he did, but I couldn't keep my anger in check for that line of work.