Pet Peeves

It's is inappropriate in formal writing if you are using APA style... you are not allowed to use any type of contraction in APA. It's, she's, he's, they're, can't,... I always get counted off on my papers for this. Eventually I learned to just search for the apostrophe and check each time I used it to make sure it wasn't a contraction. Sometimes I forget to do the check though... *sigh*

yep, thanks Janatheshort, thats what i use here too, occassionally MLA..but more lecturers prefer APA here...
I'm not talking about just yelling/honking and flipping a bird. I mean more like stopping a car in middle of road to confront a driver or recklessly operating a car in anger. Such act is never justifiable.

IMO- I believe it should be a felony in case of road rage where fight occurs or operating a car in reckless manner.

Oh that, yeah, agreed.
I have a REALLY funny story about this. One day, I was happily driving home from picking my hubby up from work. We got to a point in the road where two lanes merge into one. The truck beside me needed to merge and decided he wanted to get in front of me. I was like :cool2: I don't think so. I sped up. He sped up. I sped up... and he decided he was gonna be all big and macho... so he FLOORED the truck. Well, he had this crate of stuff in the back, and it FELL out! I heard stuff shattering... they had to hit their brakes, run out and get their stuff... My husband and I just turned and were like :giggle: as we passed them.

I laughed the entire drive home. And now, I'm laughing again until my stomach kinda hurts, just thinking about it!!!!!

Justice is a warm fuzzy feeling.
Funny? :eek3:
My pet peeves?

Professors who use class time to talk about their personal views, divorce drama, or just read a power point. Cuz, you know, college students can't read. :roll:

Tailgaters. A tailgater here killed someone this December... the first car was waiting to turn, when the tailgater hit him... the first car burst into flames, and killed the man inside. Now I am enraged when someone tailgates me. I play little games with them, like doing "brake checks" or waiting til there are LOTS of cars coming and then slowing down to like 20mph until there are no cars coming, and then speeding back up so they can't pass. :giggle:

People who wait until the LAST minute to try and merge into traffic, and expect you to let them in. NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. Wait your turn like everyone else. :pissed:
Have you ever taken a defensive driving course?
And some what smaller grammar peeve is the whole it's/its thing. I can't help it, I do grit my teeth over this.

I really hate this, too, but in the last year or so I have noticed that I have started to do it sometimes. I hate that even more.

You mentioned seeing errors in a major newspaper. Our small town paper has a terribly inept editor, or they do not edit at all.
Collecting their mistakes has become something of a family hobby. My personal favorite- in a reference to Custer's Last Stand the writer referred to (I am not making this up): 'Custard's Last Stand.'
I have a REALLY funny story about this. One day, I was happily driving home from picking my hubby up from work. We got to a point in the road where two lanes merge into one. The truck beside me needed to merge and decided he wanted to get in front of me. I was like :cool2: I don't think so. I sped up. He sped up. I sped up... and he decided he was gonna be all big and macho... so he FLOORED the truck. Well, he had this crate of stuff in the back, and it FELL out! I heard stuff shattering... they had to hit their brakes, run out and get their stuff... My husband and I just turned and were like :giggle: as we passed them.

I laughed the entire drive home. And now, I'm laughing again until my stomach kinda hurts, just thinking about it!!!!!

Justice is a warm fuzzy feeling.

That's not funny at all. Someone could have gotten hurt by this.
Have you ever taken a defensive driving course?

dont be naive, sometimes all the defensive driving skill you have in the world isnt gonna change the way others gonna drive and ram up your ass......its ok in theory but half the time it doesnt to shit
Have you ever taken a defensive driving course?

I never did, but I often just focus on my driving and watch out for the other guy. Safety comes first, not revenge. What I find quite astonishing is how a large number of drivers drive too closely to each other. Most drivers drive around 1 or 2 seconds apart, even in dangerous weather conditions.
Any type of driving that can put other people on the road (not just people in cars) in danger, is something that needs to be factored first before even trying it, just my opinion.
Any type of driving that can put other people on the road (not just people in cars) in danger, is something that needs to be factored first before even trying it, just my opinion.

I concur. Don't speed up, don't slow down or change lanes quickly to aggravate a driver. Bad move.
That's not funny at all. Someone could have gotten hurt by this.

I thought so too, at first, but then I remembered that Jan is in Indiana. Have you ever driven in rural Indiana? I'm guessing that's where she was.

Jan is from the Purdue area. Flat as far as the eye can see for the most part, and once you're out of the immediate Lafayette area, if you aren't on the Interstate, you can have the roads pretty much to yourself for long stretches. Long, long, long stretches. L o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g stretches.

Edited to note: That's not to say I think that what Jan did was a great idea, but still, if I am right about where she was, it's just really not as dangerous as what those of you in urban areas are picturing.
dont be naive, sometimes all the defensive driving skill you have in the world isnt gonna change the way others gonna drive and ram up your ass......its ok in theory but half the time it doesnt to shit
Of course one can't avoid all wrecks. Defensive driving courses teach one how to reduce the opportunities to wreck, and how to drive in a mature, safe manner. That means, not playing games on the road, and not giving in to immature road rage.
Don't need to, I'm armed in defensive driving skills, it's enough. :)
im armed with 2 fingers
and that get-away driving
sowwy just in mood for jokes but no, i mean yes defensive driving is something a lot of people discounts too much
I thought so too, at first, but then I remembered that Jan is in Indiana. Have you ever driven in rural Indiana? I'm guessing that's where she was.

Jan is from the Purdue area. Flat as far as the eye can see for the most part, and once you're out of the immediate Lafayette area, if you aren't on the Interstate, you can have the roads pretty much to yourself for long stretches. Long, long, long stretches. L o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g stretches.

So it's ok to suddenly brake in front of drivers or deliberately slow down then speed up to piss other people off just for fun? You condone this?

Once, on my way to Ottawa, I was also way out on the highway where there wasn't much traffic and this young guy in a green van evidently decided he was so bored that just for fun he will try to piss me off. So, what he would do is suddenly slow down in the slow lane, I move over to the passing lane to get around him, he would suddenly swerve over to the passing lane in front of me and slam on his brakes so I had to suddenly swerve back to the right lane then he would do the same and slam on his brakes again and this was not funny or amusing at all, I had little kids in my car plus 3 adult passengers. I was truly worried for them because of this unpredictable asshole who had no regard for others. It didn't matter if I slowed down, because he would do the same and any effort to speed up and get around him was also sabotaged. Drivers like that should not be on the road, period.
I've driven across much of the USA, both city, country, rural and suburbs all alike. I still respect transportation rules in all areas respectfully. Grayma, even though it's a different city, the laws can't be bent, right? Although I am sure you comprehend this.

Just not even a year ago, there was a terrible accident in upstate NY rural area that killed local Amish farmers because someone wanted to speed up and pass a truck. I felt bad for the tragedy of all involved in the accident.
So it's ok to suddenly brake in front of drivers or deliberately slow down then speed up to piss other people off just for fun? You condone this?

No, I don't. I had edited my post to make that clear, but probably you were posting at the same time that I was editing.

I was just saying that my guess is that where she was driving what happened wasn't quite as dangerous as most of you are picturing. Still not okay, just not as likely to cause an accident as you might think.

I've been out there in a snowdrift where it took two hours before another car came by.
I've driven across much of the USA, both city, country, rural and suburbs all alike. I still respect transportation rules in all areas respectfully. Grayma, even though it's a different city, the laws can't be bent, right? Although I am sure you comprehend this.

Yep, and I had already edited my post in an attempt to clarify what I realized I had left unclear.