Personal Finance


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Hi Everyone - just a thought about all the deaf and hard of hearing culture - does anyone have any ideas what the %(percentage) of deaf and hard of hearing people own a home in the United States? I can answer that for you once I get a comment from you guys and gals. There's a website that you can check it out and then we can talk about it. Anyone?
As you know that my friend from the business heard and told me that in this united states only 3% deaf and hard of hearing people own a home. Why is that? Please advise so I can understand why. Thanks
Really? In MD, the number of deaf and hoh home owners is pretty high. I own a home myself and I am deaf.

It seems like job opportunities and education are better in MD cuz my deaf brother lives in AZ and he tells me that only one of his friends own a home but the rest rent and dont have jobs.
Maybe I need to move to MD then? I do have a friend that lives near Fredricksburg (if she hasnt moved again since we last spoke). :D

I do have a job but I dont own a home. My current pay won't allow that to happen unfortunately.

So with so few deaf people owning their own home wouldnt HUD give more preference to someone who is 'disabled' in legal terms? If Im not mistaken they also tend to give preference to single moms as long as they have the money to pay as well as first time home buyers.

This has got me thinking a bit...