Person Below Me

Yes, with friends and god knows who! :shock: :dance2: Now I got to decide what to wear... :roll:

PBM (male) had your jewels cracked before?/ (female) cracked his jewels before?
Heck yeah.....I have paid to have it done......J/K

PBM...Do you do the Black-eyed pea thing on New Years Day?
all the time... especially by friends who calls at 3 or 4 am in the morning o.O lol


got any weird pets?
Not anymore - we've had at one time in house, 13 snakes, 12 white mice, 3 Japanese-Hooded rats, 4 hamsters, an albino cat, an albino dog and 2 other cats and 5 other dogs. All with 5 people in a mobile home.

Same question for TPBM. (unusual pets)
Not anymore - we've had at one time in house, 13 snakes, 12 white mice, 3 Japanese-Hooded rats, 4 hamsters, an albino cat, an albino dog and 2 other cats and 5 other dogs. All with 5 people in a mobile home.

Same question for TPBM. (unusual pets)

Hm.. used to own a blue jay and a blind crow (we called him Ray Charles "RC" for obvious reasons *winks*) that's not too unusual I guess :hmm:

What does TPBM enjoy snacking on??
apples with caramel dip, or frozen banana pops.

Is it warm outside for TPBM?
Not sure.....I enjoy golf but Twain said golf is a good walk spoiled. I do like a walk on the beach!!!

TPBM was '09 good or bad?
Not sure.....I enjoy golf but Twain said golf is a good walk spoiled. I do like a walk on the beach!!!

TPBM was '09 good or bad?
09 Was fast.. had some good and some bad but overall it went by fast.

TPBM Do you believe the world will end in 2012?
I've been re-reading a bunch of Beverly Lewis stories about the Amish in Pennsylvania.

TPBM still having cold yucky weather?
yep! weather is rubbish here but the NYE fireworks have started already so its all good! Less than 6 hours til 2010 here!

PBM, how many hours 'til 2010 for you?
About 10 and a half. I'd better figure out my plans!

PBM, what will be your primarily beverage tonight?
I think... soda or water :) I don't drink, so no alcohol for me!

What will be your first wish for the 2010? To TPBM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 3.4; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Ultimate bliss with a sweet guy.
TPBM, what are your wishes for 2010?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 3.4; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Ultimate bliss with a sweet guy.
TPBM, what are your wishes for 2010?

I wish to get 1 good full time job. at moment I work 2 part time jobs.
I also wish to improve my education greatly.

PBM, 1st day of 2010, is 2010 of to good start for you yet?
It's off to a fantastic start....Gonna be a great year.

TPBM are you expecting a good 2010