Person Below Me


TPBM: small screen smartphone or large screen (I prefer the smaller phone for placing in my pocket, but could certainly use the larger screen for my old eyes :p )
Are we wasting our time?
It's a quarter past nine.
I think it is bedtime, don't you.
So she rose from the chair,
took off her false hair,
her pearly white teeth came out, too.
One leg made of wood,
one eye was a dud,
her nose she began to unscrew.
I cried with dismay
as her bust fell away,
am I wasting my time on you?

Not really childhood, but still. ;)

TPBM, same question.
Oof... missed the next page...

anyway...Favorite childhood song? Can't say if I had one or not.. not til teen years and rock n roll/pop. lol.

TPBM-- Do you play any online games or game apps?
Oof... missed the next page...

anyway...Favorite childhood song? Can't say if I had one or not.. not til teen years and rock n roll/pop. lol.

TPBM-- Do you play any online games or game apps?
I sure do. I play about 4 games on FB :D heheh

TPBM: fave ice cream?
I'd opt for ice cream - either french vanilla or strawberry flavor. :)

TBPM: Fave ice cream flavor?

I used to like butter pecan or fudge and walnuts, Allison’s got me into strawberry now.

TPBM LMost recent questionable purchase you made?
I used to like butter pecan or fudge and walnuts, Allison’s got me into strawberry now.

TPBM LMost recent questionable purchase you made?

Don't think I have any recent ones yet but few months ago I did get alert text from bank (unusual activity) asking to confirm if I made payment to Uber which I replied yes. It was a ride home from the airport at the time.

TPBM: Same question.
Don't think I have any recent ones yet but few months ago I did get alert text from bank (unusual activity) asking to confirm if I made payment to Uber which I replied yes. It was a ride home from the airport at the time.

TPBM: Same question.

Bought yet another pair of pumps (high heels) despite having a collection. Talk about commitment! :D

TPBM Do your shoes kill your feet?
Bought yet another pair of pumps (high heels) despite having a collection. Talk about commitment! :D

TPBM Do your shoes kill your feet?

So far no issues but my work shoes is starting to get worn so time to get a new one soon.

TPBM: How long do your shoes last before you have to replace it?
So far no issues but my work shoes is starting to get worn so time to get a new one soon.

TPBM: How long do your shoes last before you have to replace it?

Shoes I wear to work usually last a year or so, athletic shoes 2 years, everything else in great shape for the most part.

TPBM Most risqué article of clothing you own?
Shoes I wear to work usually last a year or so, athletic shoes 2 years, everything else in great shape for the most part.

TPBM Most risqué article of clothing you own?

Boxer shorts.

TPBM: Fave place to shop for clothing?
I shop everywhere, hard to pinpoint one, I’d say Macy’s.

TPBM Go to the mall or shop online?

Mostly online, I go to mall for jeans/casual pants.

TPBM: Any plans for Father's Day? My sister and I mailed Fitbit gift for our dad. :)