Smartphone, but a laptop is a must at times too.Aqua and Coral
TPBM online preference: Smartphone or Laptop/PC?
Surgery and recouperationSmartphone, but a laptop is a must at times too.
TPBM, plans for the rest of the month?
Surgery and recouperation
TPBM: Favorite childhood song?
I sure do. I play about 4 games on FBOof... missed the next page...
anyway...Favorite childhood song? Can't say if I had one or not.. not til teen years and rock n roll/pop. lol.
TPBM-- Do you play any online games or game apps?
Smartphone it not so smart when I post here lolAqua and Coral
TPBM online preference: Smartphone or Laptop/PC?
TPBM: fave ice cream?
Smartphone it not so smart when I post here lol
What’s your favorite hot beverage?
Coffee and it’s other blends.
TPBM Fave summer activity or event?
River float.
TPBM: same question.
Swimming and a lazy suntan afterwards.
TPBM Fave summer indulgence?
I'd opt for ice cream - either french vanilla or strawberry flavor.
TBPM: Fave ice cream flavor?
I used to like butter pecan or fudge and walnuts, Allison’s got me into strawberry now.
TPBM LMost recent questionable purchase you made?
Don't think I have any recent ones yet but few months ago I did get alert text from bank (unusual activity) asking to confirm if I made payment to Uber which I replied yes. It was a ride home from the airport at the time.
TPBM: Same question.
Bought yet another pair of pumps (high heels) despite having a collection. Talk about commitment!
TPBM Do your shoes kill your feet?
So far no issues but my work shoes is starting to get worn so time to get a new one soon.
TPBM: How long do your shoes last before you have to replace it?
Shoes I wear to work usually last a year or so, athletic shoes 2 years, everything else in great shape for the most part.
TPBM Most risqué article of clothing you own?
Boxer shorts.
TPBM: Fave place to shop for clothing?
I shop everywhere, hard to pinpoint one, I’d say Macy’s.
TPBM Go to the mall or shop online?