People Pretending to be Me (Alex)

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Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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There are people on YIM, AIM, MSN, and MySpace pretending to be me. These people are doing this to either scam deaf people with their money, or defame me by saying stuff that is untrue about me.

Do not fall for these imposters pretending to be me. I don't use YIM or MSN, and when I use AIM I only talk to my close friends, not random people. The same with MySpace, I do not have "alldeaf" or "tagdeaf" accounts there. If you have received friend requests from "alldeaf" or "tagdeaf" on MySpace, please deny them or remove yourself from their friends list. They are scammers / imposters.

Tell your friends about this.

Thank you.

Edit: Some imposters / scammers are and
Gotcha...will do! ;)

The same thing implies to others as well, others being imposters in your place...doing the sort of things they perhaps live for...however, we all have 'good' friends whom we can relate with and watch each other's back during such times when scammers/imposters are rampant.

Oh boyeeeee .... it's crazy thing people do. Same thing to my godson/nephew, CM Punk (WWE wrestler). Some people were pretend to be him. He doesn't have MySpace account.
OMG I am sorry to hear that Alex and I hope thing will die down for ya. :hug: I hate that and it aint worth to be imposter. HYAH!!!!
Oh my gosh! Thats terrible! People will do crap like that!
They have no life when they do crap like that to hurt others,
good grief.
I dont use YIM, AIM, MSN, or MySpace, i dont have the
time anyways..i have life outside of computer, ha!
So dont worry i wont listen to these scammers/imposters!
You are my main Chief, Alex! ;)
That's rough. People are so untrustworthy. I do not trust anyone on internet. Too easy for anyone to scam or steal one's identity. Alex, I'm sorry people/someone doing this.
Ah, I read the bulletin on MySpace and I knew that doesn't sound like you, There's a possibility that someone just want to ruin your reputation, Alex for the hell of it? I'm sorry that happened to you, and it shouldn't happen to anyone. ;)
Thanks for the heads up. I am sorry that this is happening to u, Alex. :(
No problem, I would have known if it was you or not but thanks for the heads up....
Ah, I read the bulletin on MySpace and I knew that doesn't sound like you, There's a possibility that someone just want to ruin your reputation, Alex for the hell of it? I'm sorry that happened to you, and it shouldn't happen to anyone. ;)
Same here Cheri. I read it and ignore it. I knew Alex isnt that way. It isnt his way!! Someone was trying to get people attention.
While I don't want to pretend to be Alex I would like
to borrow his {Banned} button for an hour or two :mrgreen:
Wow.... Sorry to hear it happened to you...Alex... I have MSN...Aim... and Yahoo.. they all on invisible mode.... no one can talk to me while it is on invisible mode.. only close friends knows...I dont have MySpace...
Alex, I am sorry about what happened to you. You can report whoever steal your idenity (sp). I know it is not easy.
Oops... I told that guy EVERYTHING!

Oh wait, there was nothing to tell him... never mind! ;)

Thanks for the heads up.

I'm usually careful when people IM me out of the blue because I usually get the real information in the right places before they approach me in the wrong places. :)
Seems like someone has no life, they're spammers.. They deserve to have their butt in the slammer.... I hate it... that happen to one of my friend's myspace acct, it got hacked in.. So I had to bitch @ the spammer via bulletin not to mess around with my friends' profiles... I HATE SPAMMERS!!!! Alex, just report to Myspace, and everything that spammers has gotten your ID or whatever.. Those people do need some help!! They need to learn to have a life...
Don't forget life goes on always there imposter and so many around the world .. anyone who enjoy beating your life til bleed to dry! That what they are doing..

I have nothing do what can I do?
Just ignore!
I have nothing recived those information about you.. Just one of my bluesy friend who showned me about this one.. Sounded like someone who implying your life into scammer.. Ain't fun but as long you have to stay input careful your life around with other people who trying their goal destory you!

Good Luck..
Truly Sorry about your being scammed-victim!
I see that some of you are on their friends list. You know it wasn't me, so why are you still on their friends list on MySpace?
I see that some of you are on their friends list. You know it wasn't me, so why are you still on their friends list on MySpace?

Don't you have myspace ,Alex ? I thought I added you :dunno2:
I do have MySpace but I don't have accounts named after my sites on there.
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