Pek1, Come in NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm home for a few days. Thank you very much everyone for the birthday greetings. :) :ty: I really do appreciate it.:) In case you're wonderng where I was on my birthday, I was driving around Chicago, trying to find my shipper to pick up my load to come home to Minnesota.

The day before, I actually received my birthday wish, which is a snowstorm. It always, if not most years, snows very heavily in Minneapolis/Saint Paul, on my birthday. This year, it came about a week early, but I was out of town :( and driving through nw Virginia, about to cross into West Virginia. The weather really turned foul, as there was an accident (not involving me) along that stretch. Pretty boring, huh?

Have a great birthday! ;)
Happy belated b-day!!! Sorry I've been so busy with work and achool!! Hope you had a good one!!!