Link to full article: Peer Relationships of Children With Cochlear Implants -- Bat-Chava and Deignan 6 (3): 186 -- The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Empirical Article
Peer Relationships of Children With Cochlear Implants
Yael Bat-Chava and Elizabeth Deignan
League for the Hard of Hearing
Previous research on children with cochlear implants has focused mostly on their speech perception and production. With the growing numbers of children who use the implant, it is important to assess other aspects of these children's functioning. This article offers a qualitative and quantitative analysis of interviews with parents who described their children's communication skills and peer relationships before they had the implant and afterward. Results show that the implant has the potential to improve deaf children's relationships with hearing peers. Nonetheless, children with implants still face communication obstacles, which impede their social relationships with hearing peers. Results are discussed in light of the different points of view of various "stake holders" regarding cochlear implants in children.
e-mail: ybat-chava@lhh.org
Received April 3, 2000; revised December 27, 2000; accepted January 5, 2000