
Here's to continued participation in AllDeaf on your part! I find your participation here in AllDeaf to be refreshing and enjoyable.'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax --
Of cabbages -- and kings --
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings.'
Eyeth said:A belated welcome to you, Endymion. I may have missed this earlier, but did you go to Gally or RIT? Also, what state did you grow up in? Allow me the liberty of quoting Lewis Carroll:
Here's to continued participation in AllDeaf on your part! I find your participation here in AllDeaf to be refreshing and enjoyable.
Endymion said:Thank you for your kind comments! Unfortunately, no I've never been to Gally or RIT save for one visit to each school long ago. I spent most of my youth in Colorado and my heart is at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
.....RebelGirl said:Its kinda too late for me to say Welcome to AD.. I've talked to you several times in other threads.. You're still the mystery headless guy with a great sense of humor! Enjoy the fun!