Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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Person above me loves to play with this game ;)
The person above me is correct! I really enjoying play this game! :)
The person above me asking her if CyberRed created that signature? ;)
The person above me has a really nice man in your life. ;)
The person above me cut in front of me. *sobs*

The person two up above me has a nice woman in his life. :ily:
The person above Cheri is correct.
4th person above me, Yes CyberRed made me the banner.
2nd person above me lives in awesome city...Seattle! (cool place ;))
the person above Seq is 5'3 like me!!!!

the person above me lives in the northwest! (speaking of Seq)
This person above me an inch shorter than I am. (I am 5'4')
This person above me is correct and how did you know? Hee!
The person above me has a sunny signature.
Mama2AFTIV said:
This person above me is correct and how did you know? Hee!

in another thread!

the person above me is in love with Sweetheart!
2nd person above me, it is called celestial. I love it! Thanks to CyberRed and also Deafmonkey made me 2nd one.
The person above me has a very spiritual believings.
This person above me, Yes I begin to beileve in it now!
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