Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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The person above me, almost done her packing but needs more extra boxes to fit for LARGE BIRD'S NESTING...

TweetyBird said:
the person above me is funny person!

The person above of me is funny person too and is lucky to having a car! Can I borrow your car? :angel: just kidding!
Sweetheart said:
The person above of me is funny person too and is lucky to having a car! Can I borrow your car? :angel: just kidding!
sure u can use my car around here... :lol:

the person above me is love up all night
^ above me is sooo EXCITED to move out this weekend! YAYAY! I wish I could go down and help ya and make the move quicker! :thumb: Good luck girl!
The person above me, always demand thier attention and exictie play play play game on AD!
The person above is a sweet, sense of humor friend that I love so much! :hug:
the person above me is waiting for me get apt this sat and settle down so i can back online hehe
im very happy for the person above me, getting her own apartment.
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