Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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this person above me love posts anywhere.... :D
This person above me need a pet bird for her apt.

Here is the one! :)

The person above me has a boyfriend now, and a sweet son.

The person above me is my special friend, Hope that we can webcamera again. It was fun last time we did, Didn't we? ;) (For tweetybird)
this person above me, sure we can be on webcam when i move to new apt... yea i remmy we did it before
The person above me gotta invite me to her new apartment this summer? :fingersx:
^ above me made beautiful! GREAT job! You need teach me how. :giggle:
^ above me is going visit her sweet Goddaughter! Have fun, girl!
The person above me, cannot laid off the computer do her chores.. why she whining about chores? MOVE yer ass and do work chores! still here? *puzzled*~ :confused:
^ above me is so funny! Thanks for the laugh! :) Oh I have plently of time to do my chores..I have today and tomorrow. ;) It is not that bad though.
The person above me is a postwhore wasting all her posts on games. :giggle:
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