Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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The person above me reminded me that she's a brunette.. not a blondie! :D
I wish I knew the person above me longer so I would have asked her to be one of my bridemaids...well at least she will be invited...
^Angel^ said:
I wish I knew the person above me longer so I would have asked her to be one of my bridemaids...well at least she will be invited...

:jaw: *ahem* at the person above me! Thanks, I would love to just attend and watch you smooching with RR!!!
the person above me, i m sure, will make ur wedding party laughing
The person above me, Really it's her avatar which it's real ?? LOL
Person above me made us laugh tonight with her Cheri and DHB cybersex thread :thumb:
the person above me beat me, btw, i found for u ;)


  • Sexy_Butterfly1.gif
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The person above me, excellent resoruceful finding blue butterfly logo for Bluebutterfly..
the person above me wishes her avatar there's a woman or her pix so she would have some rest, let her husband be running after 3 kids :D
the person above me definitely loves tweetybird.. you should see her car tag and inside the car.... :ily:
RebelGirl said:
the person above me definitely loves tweetybird.. you should see her car tag and inside the car.... :ily:
hahahha!!!! shhhh! hehehe! :whistle:
the person above me, definitely cute tweetybird, actually, i have nt seen much but remember about, is that fast running bird, ostarius (sp) with? and rabbit? u know in my home country not show american's, all i well remember NU POGODI! translated into English means I WILL GET YOU!
The person above me seems to be a well-rounded person and, She's gotta love those Victoria's Secret :giggle: :naughty:
Thanks! :)

The person above me has got to love those celestical symbols?? (looking at your signatures) If so, I love those celestical symbols too! :thumb:
the person above me have a cat that almost looked like mine 3 years ago.
Dreamdeaf - yup, I love purple. It's my favorite color.


The person above me seems to love to enjoy life and herself! :thumb:
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