Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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the person above me is making me impatience!!!!!!
this person above me he is going have a meeting with his sweetheart abt date..
^ above me, more than agreed with you Rebel!!! :) I guess we gotta to be real patient and the time will tell ;)
The person above me is going to have to check out a new'll recognize it and will be put up real soon-- ;)

So then we'll soon be rid of all the impatience, etc., that is apparently running amok here.... :lol:
the person above me is telling me to get more :popcorn: :popcorn:.. to watch carefully for new thread :shock:
^ Above me, you made me laugh! :lol: Yeah it is already up and I assumed you already know ;)
the person above me, my thought rr would post the thread to announce his wedding date :shock: :popcorn: :o it's a "fun" thread for us to guess :fu:
The person above loves this thread, but could be confused too-- *chuckles*
The person above me created a fun thread, glad to see some had a good time...
^ above me, yes I do agreed with you. ;) It was alota of fun
The person above me believe in Angels like ME.... :mrgreen:
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