Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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the person above me will come back :whistle:
The person above me, ain't give up play this game "The person above me"
The person above me had a birthday yesterday ( I think )...
This person above me made beautiful banner for me!! She's an Angel!

Uh oh, I mean two persons above me.

Now..this person above me is a cool person!
The person above me needs to umm...go a tad bit faster, but afterall, she's soo peachy-- :D
The person above me is correct, I have been also known to be called, 'Peacemaker'-- :)
The person above me knows how to write poems, that's another reason why I fell in love with him....
The person above me enjoys reading those poems, sometimes she has to have a box of tissues--quite touching and moving whenever seeing her lovely tears rolling down her cheeks....
The person above me believes in Angels!
^ that is the person I wanted to chase for the rest of my life!
The person above me is the man of my dreams. :aw:
^ is my lifetime dream!!! She meants alot to me!
She lighted up my rose with fire!
The person above me sounds hungry. :giggle:
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