*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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I admit that I am SOOOO
at my medicaid social worker! UGH! I did called for fair hearing and see what happen when she/he call me back. I am totally disagree with their fucking system!!!!
I admit that I am sorry to hear that to Lake Tahoe.

I admit that I am :pissed: at Falmouth Hospital that I went there last October for my asthma treament. They never send the bill to my medicare. Damn them.
I admit I did FIRED to First Broker.. (cracked voice) ripppp off the percentage of mortgage cost... and hired another Broker... Pah, gave us excellence percentage mortgage cost 5.35% than 1st place was 8.95% fuk expensive cost...

I'm frigg'n HUGE HAPPY..... Have to hurry 120 days left to go MUST FIND A FUCKING HOUSE... avoid increase mortgage rate... *sigh*

I'm on digg'n huge rifle and hunting harder harder.. and ain't give up FIND good model house for my type.. It's over my nightmare about stupid first broker...
I admit that it will take time to find a right house for you and your family. My bf took 2 years to find this house. So it take time to find a perfect home!

So wish you a lot of luck!!

GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I did FIRED to First Broker.. (cracked voice) ripppp off the percentage of mortgage cost... and hired another Broker... Pah, gave us excellence percentage mortgage cost 5.35% than 1st place was 8.95% fuk expensive cost...

I'm frigg'n HUGE HAPPY..... Have to hurry 120 days left to go MUST FIND A FUCKING HOUSE... avoid increase mortgage rate... *sigh*

I'm on digg'n huge rifle and hunting harder harder.. and ain't give up FIND good model house for my type.. It's over my nightmare about stupid first broker...
glad u find this before too late, good luck w ur house hunt!

I admit i feel goofy today!
i admit i am worn out.. I went to Little Rock for graduation of my dear friend MIchelle and her husband as they finally got their diploma from Adult Education. I admit i am proud of them! Finally they got it! YAYA.. :)
Nuty said:
I admit to say to you I guess you are right that I should loosen up a little... :aw:
I admit I would like to tell Nuty that I agree he needs to loosen up a little.
Hey come on and dance with me :dance: :dance: :D
I admit that I'm very exicted to going to Califorina with my Sequoias this June 8th! :applause:
I admit that I hope Sweetheart and Sequioas will have a safe trip!!!

I admit that GalaxyAngel and I chatted on VP! NICE MEET YA GIRLIE! :)
I admit that I did enjoy visit AD almost everyday, it is very unquie fourm. I love it.
LakeTahoe said:
I admit that I hope Sweetheart and Sequioas will have a safe trip!!!

I admit that GalaxyAngel and I chatted on VP! NICE MEET YA GIRLIE! :)

:D~*cracked lauff'n* yea.. That me!
I admit that I am going to bed since my son is spending the nite at his friend's house. :D
I admit that I am still :zzz: ! I went to bed at 1 am! YIKES! GA and I talk and talk too much! :giggle:
I admit that LT and GA talking to much. I tried to get a hold of GA but havent had a chance to make that call. Shame on me. :giggle:
i admit that i am tired.. i admit i fell asleep earlier last nite as i missed part of dool but woke up due to nightmares after 1 am.. then couldnt go back to sleep.. i admit that i end up watching a movie called final Destination.. that was scary movie.. lol.. i admit i finally went to bed after 4 am but woke up again at 7:50 am.. :mad: grrrr.. i admit that its going to be a long day for me! sighs!
I admit that I wanna to go and join them! :giggle: Have fun!!!

Sweetheart said:
I admit that my Sequoias and I will go to Deaf Pinic for today. FUN FUN!
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