*Part 5* to be cont. "I admit"

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WhoKnows said:
Sorry, Unfortunately to hear.. Hope the stolen items will be returned somehow.

I doubt it. It is long gone now. They will get a new everything and hopefully they wont have to pay much. grr!
I admit that it is awful to hear about your guy- friend's sk and dads cell stolen? whats the matter with those people? they would pawn for money or drugs. :roll:
Luckysmile23 said:
I admit that it is awful to hear about your guy- friend's sk and dads cell stolen? whats the matter with those people? they would pawn for money or drugs. :roll:

Yep! Stupid ppl. I told them they were very lucky that they were not hurt. It happened sometimes last night or early this morning when they were asleep. *it was in the truck*.
I admit that I'm baking banna bread now and I'm hoping it comes out well. :fingersx:
I admit my interenet been down for days on/off due from upgrade urghh. Hopefully it complete end!
I admit that i didnt have electricity here from 4 am to noon.. i woke up at 8 am and found no electricity? i was like :mad: cuz cant go online? LOL.. :ugh2: so i went back to sleep and woke up at noon and found that electiricty is back on.. YAYAY.. hehe..
I admit that I am glad to be home after a long day.

I admit that my left wrist is still hurt. *sigh*
I admit, I'm frustrated with cable modem or router is screwed up :mad:
I admit that I am :pissed: at my guy-friend. He didnt even wait for me when I came back tonight. :pissed: Fk him!
I admit that, recently when I started feel blah, that's so suck to feeling that way! Hurry Sequoias! He always can cheer me up no matter what it is!
I admit that I just joined on tagdeaf.com! It is very interesting! If you want to, you can add me and I will add you! *Same name as here*.
I admit I can't wait to go camping! with my precious kids and my lovely bf.
I admit that I will ride on metro bus to Warner Center tomorrow after school for meet some of my friends.
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