Parents want book called 'Bluest Eye'banned

Those books that have been banned have the crappiest reasons. Books banned for religious viewpoint? How else are you supposed to explore your world and enrich your mind if you're not exposed to other religions? They should have banned Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey for crappy writing, not for the reasons given.

Little Redriding Hood was banned b/c there was a bottle of booze in 'Red' basket she was bringing to grandma.
I agree you , there no reason to ban any books , if you do not like it don't read it.
We have to be clear on what banning and censoring books mean.

The government can censor publication, sales, and distribution of books. That means, the book won't be available to the public to buy, sell, or read, period, except on an illegal black market.

That's not the same thing as local parent groups deciding what they want their school children exposed to. If parents don't want certain books to be required reading in their schools that doesn't mean that the students can't read those books. If the parents want to provide them, then the kids can still read them. They aren't banned from the public.
We have to be clear on what banning and censoring books mean.

The government can censor publication, sales, and distribution of books. That means, the book won't be available to the public to buy, sell, or read, period, except on an illegal black market.

That's not the same thing as local parent groups deciding what they want their school children exposed to. If parents don't want certain books to be required reading in their schools that doesn't mean that the students can't read those books. If the parents want to provide them, then the kids can still read them. They aren't banned from the public.

I was going by the title of the story I posted and it said 'Banned ', so the person writing the article needs to clear about this. I did not read through the whole article , I was told once Little Red Riding Hood was
banned for the public and that person was wrong.
I was going by the title of the story I posted and it said 'Banned ', so the person writing the article needs to clear about this. I did not read through the whole article , I was told once Little Red Riding Hood was
banned for the public and that person was wrong.
Sometimes people who create the headlines/titles are trying to make them more "catchy" or dramatic. Also, the person who creates the headline/title is not always the person who wrote the story. In fact, for newspapers, print and electronic, it's almost never the writer who makes up the headline. So, they have to be taken with a grain of salt (some skepticism).
Sometimes people who create the headlines/titles are trying to make them more "catchy" or dramatic. Also, the person who creates the headline/title is not always the person who wrote the story. In fact, for newspapers, print and electronic, it's almost never the writer who makes up the headline. So, they have to be taken with a grain of salt (some skepticism).

I know what a grain of salt mean. I agree the news does this to they used sound bite to get people attention .