parents forgot the toddlers!!!!!!!!

I meant that parents have been charged with negligence by "zero tolerance policy" such as.. living a child/baby in car at grocery parking lot for a quick buy or something like that.

True, I have seen many threads in the past.

Reba, I beleive that you remember because you were there in the most threads.
True, I have seen many threads in the past.

Reba, I beleive that you remember because you were there in the most threads.
Yes, I do remember. Those were totally different circumstances. Most of them were situations where the parents intentionally left their kids in cars. The airport scenario was quite different.
The relationship between in the in-laws (or "the boy's grandparents") and the father seems to be questionable.
The first time I ever used a babysitter..I was really nervous. I packed the car with two diaper bags, a play pen, a high chair, a month's worth of diapers (even though I was only going to be gone a couple of hours), stapped in the baby car seat, etc. I got in the car and kept thinking, I'm forgetting something...something very important. Breast milk? Check. Bottles? Check. Baby food. Check. OH! BABY! I almost forgot my baby- after packing all of the stuff in the car! Whew. Yeah, it happens. Thank goodness I didn't drive off at all, ha. It happens. What can I say?
This is not fun but I'm always running "spot checks" on my little ones. When I am not being 100% attentive, like looking at something else.

Where's *child*? Oh okay, there you are.
15 mins later, where's your sister? oh good.
1 hour later, (my guy)um, where are the kids? Oh good. you get the drift.

more lenient at home but out in busy places, I run them big time. I just HAVE to know where each member of my family is at all times unless we split up with a set of who is with who. I know I can be a pain in the butt but I'd rather NOT lose anyone and be sorry. Who do you have with ya? I'll take the other one....

A kid running too far off and not coming back right away when I call, gets in BIG TROUBLE.
Israeli parents forget daughter at airport - Yahoo! News

Suggested Airport rule: Children must be leashed.


I do remember in the mid nineties where I would go to the mall and I would see parents having their toddlers on a leash! At the time I thought - my god they are walking their children like dogs! Thats cruel!

But now that I'm older Im thinking that for most parents- this wouldnt be a bad idea so you cannot lose your children.

when I am out in public with my DD - I hold my DD hand or she is within sight and within 2-3 feet of me. I dont let her wander off far. Especially around corners, those scare the hell out of me. Like she'll dissappear behind the corner and I'll never see her again type thing.
Reminds me of Home Alone II. ;)

Good one. Actually the first thing that popped in my head was this story of the 12-years old Jesus got left behind in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41 - 46 in case some of you want to look it up). His parents thought he was in the other spouse's company on the way home.

That is about 2000 years ago. Nothing new under the sun.

I do remember in the mid nineties where I would go to the mall and I would see parents having their toddlers on a leash! At the time I thought - my god they are walking their children like dogs! Thats cruel!

But now that I'm older Im thinking that for most parents- this wouldnt be a bad idea so you cannot lose your children.

when I am out in public with my DD - I hold my DD hand or she is within sight and within 2-3 feet of me. I dont let her wander off far. Especially around corners, those scare the hell out of me. Like she'll dissappear behind the corner and I'll never see her again type thing.
I thought the same thing myself.

Today, I was at Wal-Mart. I saw this little boy running around like crazy and his mother didn't even care. She was too busy looking at cereals. His older sister had to run after him all the time and get him. :roll:

It's like those kids with Heelies. They're heeling all over the place and getting too far ahead of their families. I saw one kid rolling along really fast. He would run then roll far ahead. Suddenly, his parents stopped and turned into an aisle. He turned around, then ran around looking for his parents. :roll:

Maybe, I will get a bungee cord for my kids. Run away and you'll come bouncing right back! ;)
Ive seen those kids on the heelies and quite frankly whoever invented those needs to be shot. They are a hazard and an accident waiting to happen! My DD wanted some and I told her 'no'. Children do not need to be skating in restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores, etc. If they want to skate then they need to go to a skate park or go to their suburban neighborhood and skate there away from me.

Anytime I am in a restaurant and one of those children come skating by on those heelies, I'm VERY tempted to stick my foot out and trip them, and when they get up to argue with me, I can tell them, you were coming too fast and I did not see you. Besides you are not allowed to skate in here, and I'm pretty sure those apply to heelies as well, and oh yeah, ooops sorry it was an accident. :lol:

I'm pretty sure schools have banned heelies for the most part due to kids skating in the hallways and running over people.
Ohhhhhh ~ back in 1967, my mom told me that when i was three yrs old and wandering from yard to the middle of the road and the truck stopped and blast horn at me and the babysitter scolded at my sister whom was about 5 yrs old that supposed to be watching at me but my mom blawed at the babysitter for not pay attention to both of us, because the babysitter was yakking on the phone with her boyfriend! Geez Whiz!!!
The babysitter is to get paid to actually engage in activities with the children and supervise, not talk on the phone with her boyfriend.

If I have teenaged babysitter - I would firmly tell them the phone is off-limits unless in a dire emergency and the only number dialed out had better be 9-1-1.

I will also be questioning the child about what activities they did. If they just sat and watched TV all night, then the babysitter will be getting paid half her normal pay. If she brings friends over etc, she won't get paid at all. However, if she actually engages in constructive play with my child then she will be getting paid full pay and be asked to babysit in the future.
that good points,whitewolves64 about babysitter on phone to "boyfriend" but must limit minutes and never longer hours or can lose watch the children! if parents never know about babysitter ingore kids on focus.

IF i have my own children somedays im really wanted my mom to watch my own children than babysitter who dont watch my own children! i told my mom about i wanted her watch my own kids somedays that my big goals in my future or my grandma can doit!
Anytime I am in a restaurant and one of those children come skating by on those heelies, I'm VERY tempted to stick my foot out and trip them, and when they get up to argue with me, I can tell them, you were coming too fast and I did not see you. Besides you are not allowed to skate in here, and I'm pretty sure those apply to heelies as well, and oh yeah, ooops sorry it was an accident. :lol:
I have the same urges as well.

It's usually at places like Target, Wal-Mart, the mall, grocery stores, etc.

I never really see kids on heelies at restaurants.

One time, I saw a boy at Wal-Mart pushing a cart for his parents. He started pushing the cart, then started rolling on his heelies. Suddenly, he couldn't stop. He ended up hitting a pallet full of chips and crackers. One-third of it fell on the floor. The father picked him up and calmly said, "Be careful next time." They walked away without picking up anything. Moments later, the department manager walked along and was like... "What the hell!?" He looked at me and I simply pointed at the kid walking away... then said... "Heelies." The department manager grunted and then started picking up the mess. (I helped him, of course.) :roll: