You bad, Babyblue!
Nails on a chalkboard is a horrific sound to hear. I was hesitant about replying in the thread, but, that is one sound I hate. Also, the birds chirping all at once. We have finches and parrolets. When they get going, it can get quite loud.
I also am sound sensitive, so there are many (random) sounds that will just get to me. Moreso, when I'm ill or under stress, but still.... Usually, the TV bothers me when I'm feeling sensitive.
My Dad may also be HoH, so he listens to the TV extra loud and sometimes, I just wanna hit the ceiling. I've gently tried to get him to see an ENT, but he won't. I have discussed this in another thread as well. We've seen his GP and wax and allergies have been ruled out for his hearing difficulties. An ENT consult would be next up, but he refuses to pursue it. *sigh*
Anyway, that was slightly off topic. My apologies.