Pace of teaching your significant other ASL


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I know a lot of you are in process or have taught your significant other ASL. What I'm curious about is.....

do you feel that your significant other is learning ASL at satisfactory pace or do you wish he/she would be faster?

It's hard for my girlfriend to learn ASL, but I'm patient because she tries so hard and she loves me very much. I always think that there is something being said about hard work. Everyone has a chance to learn ASL. If they want to learn it, great. If not, they don't have to learn ASL.

So what happened when your significant other was slow with ASL? It does not have to be a current relationship?

I love my girlfriend and I don't care that she is slow with ASL. How about you?
My first husband became lazy and stopped learning more. That's why knowing ASL prior to being in a relationship with me is required.
I wish my SO would learn faster, but I am happy she is learning none the less, and is giving me voice off time. It would be nice if I learned faster too, but I've realized I have learned it so much faster than she has... maybe its because deaf people are so visual anyway... and a visual language is their natural form of communication?
My boyfriend is learning...and im trying to help him (i got hims a few books and home labels) but AHHH I wish it was FASTER!! I know he is trying...
Im on the other end of this... My boyfriend is deaf , I am not .
Its hard to learn something your not use to . It gets frustrating when you can't get something right away , I know for me I always try to impress him by learning signs on my own but in the process of showing him what I have learnt I get a little self conscious and mess up. I'm no where near good at ASL... if anything I'm still a noob :/ (I've been learning ASL for 9 years on my own)
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I get lazy being busy with kids. It's good enough that hubby is trying to learn. It takes a lot of effort.
Been trying to teach my SO for a while. Kinda frustrating sometimes! She easily forgets signs. When we are in a loud restaurant, we take the opportunity to practice ASL.

Although, there are some signs that she NEVER fails to remember: the bad words. Silly girl.