I have the 10 digits number but P3 doesn't give me the ability to call point-to-point (deaf-to-deaf).
I have the 10 digits number but P3 doesn't give me the ability to call point-to-point (deaf-to-deaf).
It does, you can call point-to-point with VP-200, MVP, VPAD, OJO, etc...
I agree... I did test to call someone has VP-200 and OJO. It worked!!!
If, you still have your friend's old VP number (non-10 digital number) then it will not work. You will connect VRS instead point to point.
You may need your deaf friend has 10 digital numbers.
Like 866 number instead of area code 206, 253, etc?
Hrmm that's weird, I click on a friend who is deaf and uses VP200, I called her from the contact list in P3 and it automatically calls an interpreter. What am I doing wrong?