Ouch! Unbelievable injury!

I don't know why people think animals can't climb. She sounds like a good woman to care for the animal that fell on her. I wish a speedy recovery.

Or bad writer.


How about this?

Well, it is possible that the porcupine could have fallen off from the bridge instead of the pole. How can the porcupine fall off the bridge? It must have lost this direction and did not know that there were no platform to hold it. That must be a puzzle. Still, the porcupine was lucky it was alive and not hurt from the unexpected person. I still have a feeling that it is all kind of hoax there. I had not heard of a thing like that. Not even where I lived in the woods. I see some porcupines many times but don't remember seeing them climb up trees. Very interesting. :hmm:
Our vet told us that it was common to find dead porcupines after a storm. They can climb up into the trees to stay dry but they don't hold on well in the wind. They end up falling out of tall trees and getting killed when they hit the ground.
Our vet told us that it was common to find dead porcupines after a storm. They can climb up into the trees to stay dry but they don't hold on well in the wind. They end up falling out of tall trees and getting killed when they hit the ground.

Now that make sense, even if the porcupine fell out of the bridge instead of the pole which is really happen in the city. Yeah, the wind does that. **nodded** :cool2:
Making an occasional appearance in the daytime, these
rodents enjoy living in trees and rocks in the hillsides, forests, rocky outcrops and deserts. These rodents are excellent climbers considering they can climb trees that are up to 70 feet high.

How to Get Rid of Porcupines
I think we all have learned a new thing.... a porcupine can actually climb!!! *gasp*
The whole point is that whether the story is true or not. Why do we need to sympathize something that is not real?

For instance, there was incident here that somebody made up story about death of AD member only to find out it was hoax, the poster made up story out of revenge.

Funny how everyone is focused on where the porcupine was rather than on the poor woman who went through this ordeal.
I had a hedgehog once
It climbed everywhere!
out of cages
up onto beds and couches
so they certainly can get places
(a hedgehog and porcupine are different, yea, but generally the same animal, except a hedgehogs quills don't come out like a porcupines does. and hedgehogs are a LOOOOOT smaller.)
The whole point is that whether the story is true or not. Why do we need to sympathize something that is not real?

For instance, there was incident here that somebody made up story about death of AD member only to find out it was hoax, the poster made up story out of revenge.

simple - you don't have to believe it and sympathize. much less stressful that way.
I had a hedgehog once
It climbed everywhere!
out of cages
up onto beds and couches
so they certainly can get places
(a hedgehog and porcupine are different, yea, but generally the same animal, except a hedgehogs quills don't come out like a porcupines does. and hedgehogs are a LOOOOOT smaller.)

OH yeah, I pet hedgehog once and it's smaller than my hand from Poland. They were so friendly.
I had a hedgehog once
It climbed everywhere!
out of cages
up onto beds and couches
so they certainly can get places
(a hedgehog and porcupine are different, yea, but generally the same animal, except a hedgehogs quills don't come out like a porcupines does. and hedgehogs are a LOOOOOT smaller.)

And they're sweet. I saw a YouTube video of a hedgehog and a kitten playing along with each other. That warmed up my heart.
Not what I mean. Maybe Sandra was under the bridge then someone thought porcupine fell from a lamppost but really top of the bridge. Do you see the lamppost with the bridge?

Image from google image and it was not happen on the story.

Isnt that what it said?