Other Worlds and Aliens

of course, tatooine's my home planet and i fly to other planets. what, you people didn't know about the other worlds? sheesh, you earthlings need to catch up!
1. If Earth's living creatures were a result of chance development, and living creatures on other planets were the result of chance development, then the numerical odds of living creatures on other planets would be a reasonable assumption.

2. However, if Earth's living creatures were the result of a one-time specific event of creation by a specific Creator, for a specific reason, then there are no numerical odds involved. (This is my belief.)

If one believes statement #1, then Steven Hawkings makes a good point. Of course, that wouldn't prohibit superior alien beings from seeking out our planet whether or not we keep to ourselves. After all, the Native Americans didn't seek out Columbus, did they?

On the other hand, if one believes statement #2, as I do, then there is nothing to worry about. :)
Hmm, I should have sent poor Kevbo to the alien world. :laugh2: