Other Disabilties?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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So I'm curious...do we have anyone on All Deaf who has another disabilty besides being deaf/hoh?
I am learning disabled (math) slightly developmentally delayed (socially and emoitonally, which means I still act like a teen even thou I am 24. It's kind of simlair to Asperger's Syndrome or what a lot of kids with learning disabilties go through) I have hypotonia which means my muscles are "floppy" like a rag doll. (sort of like mild cerebal palsy) For "real" health conditions I have a history of seizures (haven't had one for almost ten years...yeah!) and have a history of thyroid problems and I had talus equovarnus(a foot malformation) when I was little, and I had to wear inserts in my sneakers and casts to bed at night until I was ten when I had surgery. Anyone else?
Yeah, we do have someone...

...:::poking a certain friend of mine:::...hey, why not tell a little about yourself? :)
Not quite a disability but have a severe medical condition known as Fibromyalgia. Man, that is a killer. I lost 5 years out of my life to that crippling disease....couldn't get out of bed for that long and couldn't take are of myself such as putting on clothes, getting out of bed and whatnot. It is been 8 years now.

Due to that, I've given up many of my athletic passions and most of my social life but I'm proud to say that I am doing a lot better these days and feel like my old self for most part. :dance:

What amazes me that is many deaf women have FMS and I am curious to know why that is the case.
Wow, you are very brave, you know that? I do not have any other disability except emotional disable. :lol: (just joking)
I don't have any, except I'm deaf....just tight muscles on my legs from rubella syndrome when I was born, much better than before cuz I used to walk on my toes when I was a kid....went thru therapy, doing much better now....anyways. :)
aside from being deaf -- im also learning disabled (math), have CTS (generally mild altho on some days it would get pretty bad), hypothyroidism (taking synthroids for it)
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I am Deaf, of course, plus a mild case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and hyperthyroidism. I have been on medicine for hyperthryoidism for the rest of my life. I refuse to take any pills for ADHD because they did not help me at all. Fuck them. Instead, I have to think positive and be cool when situation arises and I manage it pretty well so far. Whew.
Disabilties.. I am not sure if this one is a disabilty..
I have mild bi-polar depressions, found out at the age of 3-5. I went down to act normal then about 14-15 I gotten worster, was putted in therapy, medications (agh), by the age of 18, I have gotten better.
The bi-polor depression was generated tru my mom's family.
My mom's sister, my aunt, she killed herself by a overdose of meds cuz of depressions.
I never liked her anyway :roll:
I have Rubella Syndrome in my eye; left totally blind and right less than 40 degrees in Visually field (legally blind as doctor signed on scripted letter). MDS; Muscle Diease Syndrome as weaken legs unable to walk and confined to the wheelchair for life time..
plus a mild case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
I remember reading somewhere that ADD is very common co-morbid dx in oral dhh kids, and the thing is...that really isn't ADD at all. It's just that oral deaf kids have to work so hard to hear and speak that they act out. I know that at schools for the Deaf ADD is a rare co-morbid dx. You might not have it at all... Even if you DO you should look into alternatives to medication such as Essential Fatty Acids or special diets before choosing medication.
deafdyke said:
I remember reading somewhere that ADD is very common co-morbid dx in oral dhh kids, and the thing is...that really isn't ADD at all. It's just that oral deaf kids have to work so hard to hear and speak that they act out. I know that at schools for the Deaf ADD is a rare co-morbid dx. You might not have it at all... Even if you DO you should look into alternatives to medication such as Essential Fatty Acids or special diets before choosing medication.

Interesting...I guess that does apply to a particularly immature boy -- he has emotional problems and gets angry really easy, swears heaps and has verbally abused people who has made him angry or misunderstands what other people are saying. He has really bad english and reading skills.

About 2 years ago -- before he was pulled out of another school -- he and a friend of his, trashed a classroom and destroyed school property. *shrugs*
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Malfoyish said:
Yeah, we do have someone...

...:::poking a certain friend of mine:::...hey, why not tell a little about yourself? :)

Er, I don't know if this was directed at me or not, but if so, I would rather not discuss my disability in an open forum. However, if anyone would like to know more about me, or this, they can always send a PM! :)
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