Studies don't proove anything. There was a study that came out recently that claimed it had bigfoot DNA. Anyone who's looked at the FBI data know that study is full of it.
Cant you see, it is the MIND that makes a thing a weapon. Its not intrinsic in the thing itself
Guns can obviously be used as a weapon to harm another, they are also used to protect others from harm. They are also used in sports and also admired for their value of objects that can be cinsidered works of beuty.
Any object. a weapon used to harm others. Any. It is the person that does it, not the actual object itself.
I train in and assist in instructing musu jekeden eishin ryu iaido. We of course use what you woumd term a katana. (Samurai sword). Indeed a formidible and.noble weapon. But we call it the life giving sword not the life taking one...due to its abaility to. Not only safe lives back when it was used as such but akso its abality to change them, the one who lesens to use it, learns through the art a better respect for how precious life is. Given how ewsy it is extinguish.
Your so stuck on guns as weapons..
They are neuteral objects....
It is the mind.that is he weapon.
You seriously don't know?How exactly do they do this?
You seriously don't know?
Seb, how do u fix this problem?
How do gun control going to prevent these kind guys from selling stolen firearms?
Like what Hoichi trying to tell u, its human mind thats most powerful weapon, much more powerful than gun itself. How can u control one's mind?
I'm talking about REAL STUDIES not the ones that show up at the grocery store check out line.
I've already given my answer to how you keep people from selling stolen firearms: hold the people who have their guns stolen financially responsible, since there are ways to protect them and make it very difficult to have them stolen.
By this logic...
As an example... someone is legitimately carrying their weapon...they get mugged and the attacker also has a means of a weapon but manages to overpower the victim and steal their gun. Are you planning to hold the victim financially responsible when their stolen by force gun is used in a killing or robbery?
So you are in favor of anyone being able to buy a gun even if they are crazy or have threatened someone. And you are perfectly alright with the shootings that take place at schools, churches, malls, movie theaters, etc. Or were you also on board putting an armed soldier in every classroom, church, mall, movie theater, etc. in the U.S. and basically turning the country into a police state just so you can have your beloved firearms? I think it would be easier to put some restrictions on who can and can't buy a firearm and would be a lot less expensive.
I've already given my answer to how you keep people from selling stolen firearms: hold the people who have their guns stolen financially responsible, since there are ways to protect them and make it very difficult to have them stolen. You also go after the people selling the guns and put them away for life as well as holding them responsible for the crimes committed using the guns they sold.
How you control someone's mind who is not playing with a full deck is you get them the mental health care they need and you keep them from buying a gun and going on a shooting spree.
Censorship prohibits the publication or broadcasting of ideas that the government decides shouldn't be shared with the general public.No, I would like to hear it from you!
Yeah, that was bad.Do people remeber a newspapers printing gun owners names and addresses for everyone to see ? This was not a very bright thing to do , people houses could be robbed just for their guns .
The bigfoot one is a published study. What makes yours real?
By this logic...
As an example... someone is legitimately carrying their weapon...they get mugged and the attacker also has a means of a weapon but manages to overpower the victim and steal their gun. Are you planning to hold the victim financially responsible when their stolen by force gun is used in a killing or robbery?
Censorship prohibits the publication or broadcasting of ideas that the government decides shouldn't be shared with the general public.
The most extreme example is the government of North Korea.
Other governments all over the world practice censorship at varying degrees.
There is active censorship such as burning books, shutting down radio stations, shutting down churches or blocking internet access.
There is also passive censorship such as ignoring certain news stories or downgrading the importance of news topics by printing them as small items on the back pages of the newspaper.
I didn't exclude the US.Oh and here I thought you were talking about the United States Government.
Just to let you know the US has a Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech is the first one and we know you know what the second one is.