Oral skills = Auditory skills

Do people assume you can hear more than you can because of your oral skills?

  • Yes, all the time!

    Votes: 22 68.8%
  • Yes, sometimes.

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Not often/rarely

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
Not only that, but people also have a habit of speaking louder when they find out you're h/h. Jeez! I wish they wouldn't do that.

Same. I know it's out of ignorance but I can't help but feel insulted a lot of the time.
I wouldn't know if they spoke louder or not except that you can sometimes tell by facial expressions.

Most people don't get that I am deaf and that I can't hear ANYTHING. I have mostly clear speech due to 43 years of some hearing and only 3 of not hearing. They also don't seem to accept the fact that I say I lost it all 3 years ago. They don't think that's possible. My last audiologist made me a little card that I carry that states that I am total deaf and that I can speak, but have problems reading lips. She signed it and made mention that she is an audiologist. That seems to shut people up. Too many people in this town are looking for handouts or whatever, so when those who really do have a problem come in, they don't get the help they need because the system is over-burdened.
Well, ignorant or not, I'd rather explain so they'd be more enlightened about this whole deafness thing (not about me).
Yeah! Some people are so enlightened that they post videos with audio but no transcript on a deaf message board. Go figure!:lol:
I wouldn't know if they spoke louder or not except that you can sometimes tell by facial expressions.

Most people don't get that I am deaf and that I can't hear ANYTHING. I have mostly clear speech due to 43 years of some hearing and only 3 of not hearing. They also don't seem to accept the fact that I say I lost it all 3 years ago. They don't think that's possible. My last audiologist made me a little card that I carry that states that I am total deaf and that I can speak, but have problems reading lips. She signed it and made mention that she is an audiologist. That seems to shut people up. Too many people in this town are looking for handouts or whatever, so when those who really do have a problem come in, they don't get the help they need because the system is over-burdened.

That's in violation of the ADA. You don't have to show anyone any papers proving your deafness.

II-3.5300 Unnecessary inquiries. A public entity may not make unnecessary inquiries into the existence of a disability.

Source: Title II of the ADA
I've been in similar situations where people see that I speak so well, but then forget that I'm actually deaf and end up calling my name or calling my cell phone. :roll:
Actually, you do. Most places require documentation for any disability in order to cover you under the ADA.

Should have been more specific. I mean on the spot. Organizations accommodating you and so on can but facilities can't request documentation on the spot before providing services or allowing entry into the facility.
Should have been more specific. I mean on the spot. Organizations accommodating you and so on can but facilities can't request documentation on the spot before providing services or allowing entry into the facility.

Quite true.
The only thing I would carry like this was if I knew i'd be in a situation where I needed it like airport etc...when I used to take the bus i had a card that had the "symbol" they use for hoh or deaf from canadian hearing society cuz i was once grabbed by a bus driver cuz i didnt stop when i was asked to show my bus pass again...i was pissed
I walked away apparently when he asked to see my bus pass again but never heard him so i just kept walking and he asked again and still didnt hear him so he got up and grabbed the back of my shirt and was like I ASKED TO SEE YOUR BUS PASS my bf at the time grabbed the guy and was WTF IS UR PROB SHE HAS HEARING PROBS and freaked out and needless to say he wasn't our bus driver anymore after that:)...it was the public transpo but it was a special bus that came to our school to pick us up/drop us off
I walked away apparently when he asked to see my bus pass again but never heard him so i just kept walking and he asked again and still didnt hear him so he got up and grabbed the back of my shirt and was like I ASKED TO SEE YOUR BUS PASS my bf at the time grabbed the guy and was WTF IS UR PROB SHE HAS HEARING PROBS and freaked out and needless to say he wasn't our bus driver anymore after that:)...it was the public transpo but it was a special bus that came to our school to pick us up/drop us off

He should had tapped your shoulder, instead of treating you like a little kid or a a mentally slow person. I hate it when people treat deaf like that; don't have fond memories of those incidents either. So you have every rights to be pissed.
No he was a driver for quite awhile just had an attitude and was ignorant...guess he figured i was another ignorant teenager lol meh ah well he was taken off our route anyways so i never had to deal with him anymore
No he was a driver for quite awhile just had an attitude and was ignorant...guess he figured i was another ignorant teenager lol meh ah well he was taken off our route anyways so i never had to deal with him anymore

Yep. Experience has nothing to do with rudeness. He was just rude.
for sure he was rude...lucky it wasn't grace or she would have gotten even more mad lol