OPINION: Design project for new WTC by Liebeskind

eh they look okay...one of the reasons the orginal WTC was destroyed was because it was the tallest building, and is able to hit it with an airplane so if they make a new version of WTC, even taller, then I don't think it's a good idea...I believe they should just lower 'em into 4 towers or something like that...just like in the pic shown above, but the taller building on the left proably shouldn't be build since it's too tall so...perhas just 4 or 5 short towers should be enough and unable to be hit again
Steel said:
eh they look okay...one of the reasons the orginal WTC was destroyed was because it was the tallest building, and is able to hit it with an airplane so if they make a new version of WTC, even taller, then I don't think it's a good idea...I believe they should just lower 'em into 4 towers or something like that...just like in the pic shown above, but the taller building on the left proably shouldn't be build since it's too tall so...perhas just 4 or 5 short towers should be enough and unable to be hit again

ONE Of those reasons because it was the tallest? i dont think so- they weren't up to date with structural codes or whatever bullshit- its not because it was so tall- theres other buildings thats tall too and do you see them falling down when airplanes hit them? NO -

and the reason why it was targeted is because its a symbol of american money- but one fact will always exist... we will always be targeted, tall or short no matter what