You know what? I get strange people (mostly sex-related) who want to invite me and want to see me in webcam, even though I don't have one. I could ignore sex users, even though I set my privacy settings to the highest possible, but that's too restrictive and I can even get invitations for sex-chatting.
I'm a male, by the way.
I used Skype mostly for SkypeIn/SkypeOut to save money in my cell phone bill (I switch to "Pay As You Go Unlimited"), so I used Skype for home-based phone call conversation and that I have a USB Skype-to-Phone phone adapter.
Because I quit using Skype, I switched over to Vonage 500 Minute Basic plan ($14.99/month).
My comment to Skype: Sorry, Skype. You lost me as a user/customer and I bet you love sex offenders (I know that's kind of silly and a bit offensive, though, but I got tired of it).
I'm so happy I got rid of Skype.