Ontario question


Active Member
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
I just got some Tim Horton coffee beans on the internet. Was inexpensive, so decided to try it. Found out that at their restaurants, they are very careful to use water just under boiling, and toss it and brew new every 20 minutes. I hate bitter coffee, so just switched to a cold brew method, so at first taste, this is good to me.

How do you review their coffee, as they serve it?
They brew every 20 minutes to always make sure there is
a "fresh pot" all the time for customers.
I had some this morning. Was very good. Have to be careful to not put too much sugar in it, no more need to dampen the bitterness. :P
Suits my taste. :D Perhaps it is a love it or hate it situation. Amazon reviews were bipolar, too. :giggle: