Alex has said 'to each his own' which means to me he made a decison for many other people. Not such good leadership IMO. Unless I am mistaken and this was a comitee decison between the admin and moderators..
I can understand alex feeling impartial to this issue, as he wasn't and isn't terribly involved in the video game discussions, but there is a certain bureaucratic feel to this move.
Certain things I believe warrant at least a 'gaming' subforum. The PSN and 360 gamertag/id threads that were stickied, this benefits any new member coming to Alldeaf who wish to meet the members of AD online and interact with other deaf gamers. Now new members will post their own threads asking for Gamertags/PSNIDs and not everyone who posted in the original stickies will post in it, welcoming the new members. Saying 'use the search button/function' is not an option, not everyone uses it, it is just not realistic to expect everyone new to come and use the search functions in ANY given forum on the internet, that much I know about internet forums. 'Games that have subtitles/cc' was another vital sticky thread, I like to think. I just feel that with lumping video games/games with technology will now make these vital threads which have been unstickied lost. And now if these were to be stickied in the current forum, it would clearly feel out of place and interfere with the very general topic that it already offers as I type.
I also am rather saddened I am alone in this, and other AD members either feel they have nothing to contribute, or are afraid of the 'wrath' of the Admin and moderators if they speak out, possibly because of the rule of no criticsm of admin or mod decisons/moves. No one can improve if they refuse criticsm. It is just not logical.
I believe I will be contributing to this topic rather often for a week or so. I feel strongly that at least 'games' should get its own subforum.