One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings


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Apr 5, 2004
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One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings
One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings -

(CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported.

The AP reported that one person was killed and one wounded in a shooting at a dormitory. Another shooting at Norris Hall, an engineering building, resulted in multiple casualties, the university reported.

There were seven or eight total casualties in the two incidents, AP reported.

"Police have one shooter in custody, and as part of routine police procedure they continue to search for a second shooter," the university said in a written statement.

The first reported shooting occurred at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed dormitory that houses 895 students. The dormitory, one of the largest residence halls on campus, is located near the drill field and stadium.

Amie Steele, editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, said one of her reporters at the dormitory reported "mass chaos."

The reporter said there were "lots of student running around, going crazy, and the police officers were trying to settle everyone down and keep everything under control," according to Steele.

Student Matt Waldron said he did not hear the gunshots because he was listening to music, but he heard police sirens and saw officers hiding behind trees with their guns drawn.

"They told us to get out of there so we ran across the drill field as quick as we could," he said.

Waldron described the scene on campus as "mayhem."

"It was kind of scary," he said. "These two kids I guess had panicked and jumped out of the top story window and the one kid broke his ankle and the other girl was not in good shape just lying on the ground."

The shootings come three days after a bomb threat Friday forced the cancellation of classes in three buildings, WDBJ in Roanoke reported. Also, the 100,000-square-foot Torgersen Hall was evacuated April 2 after police received a written bomb threat, The Roanoke Times reported.

After the Monday shootings, students were instructed to stay indoors and away from windows, police at the university said.

"A gunman is loose on campus. Stay in buildings until further notice. Stay away from all windows," read a warning from the university.

"Virginia Tech has canceled all classes. Those on campus are asked to remain where they are, lock their doors and stay away from windows. Persons off campus are asked not to come to campus," a statement on the university Web site said.
That is so horrible! According on the news, there were 32 dead students. I found out that the president of the school ordered the students to stay in their class at 7 or 8 a.m. The killer had the opportunity to shoot more students. I bet that the president is in a deep trouble now.
great, gunman, possible, killed himself without have give us a damn answer. What a yellowshit
AP is reporting upto 31 dead. God almighty.

A darker world lies behind this one.
Cryptic, it hides beneath perception.
We all saw it on that day,
Stunned, we stood stuttering,
What did the news say?

My condolences go out to all the friends and family of the victims. Rest in peace, all.
32 dead just reported. I am watching it now on Fox News. :Ohno:
Mod's Note: Both threads has been merged since it is on the same topic.

When will the shootings everywhere else at the schools stop? Apparently it doesn't but it is terrible to have this to happen. I'll be saying a prayer for those families that has lost their loved ones in the shootings.
I strongly agree. we've had columbine, the amish school shootings, and various other shootings in schools.. I wish people would just STOP and THINK before they do such horrible things!

Is there really any need to kill students? Think of all the parents, friends, family that are greiving for their lost and loved ones. I despise the people who do such horrific acts. And I mourn for the families who lost loved ones.
This is terrible news to find out those students got killed in this ugly shooting at the Virginia Tech. My prayers go to the families of the victims what a shame this had to happen. I agree BearBeauty , students are going to school for education not to be targets of some outrage.
We dont need to ban guns, we just need to ban crazy people. :D

Ive been so busy today I had no idea this was going on until I came back from the park this evening arounf 6:30.

I tool will be sending a few thoughts and prayers to the loved ones of the students who were killed.

I can forsee all colleges beefing up campus security after this event.
I was out and friend told me on my sk2 pager..I was like huh? I don't really think about it til I got home and saw it on CNN news.. I was like :( that sucks.. I send my condolences to the fallen ones and their family.. and friends too.
that is so sad as kids at virginia tech and victims and their families

prayer and lit candle have began