Overthepond wrote:
You are hypocrital git, You threw toys out of pram when we told you that you shouldn't have CI with good speech recogition! and to attack us people for our opinions. we merely were trying to help you all to sense that YOU, Deafdude and other people KNOW nothing about how to hear out of CI whilst having NO idea what will happen when stem cell comes out for heaing loss, all the papers/links are just piece of writing there is no LIVING proof that it works on HUMAN.
Wow...this whole quote is laughable. I'm searching for a way to hear again out of my left ear that will provide me with the absolute best hearing possible. So, I did the research, and took all opinions on this board into account when making my decision not to go for CI. Now that we've discovered evidence that stem cells for hearing loss having been experimented on in humans, AND proven to work in both humans and animals, all of you start attacking the very existence of it saying things like "Oh, I have no belief in stem cells until you provide scientific evidence". HELLO! There would be NO TRIALS whatsoever on human children unless they have a plethora of evidence available in OTHER COUNTRIES supporting the existence and functioning treatments available for the hearing loss cure! AND I can guarantee they already have some idea of what to expect when it comes to results!
There IS scientific evidence. I've provided the links - I've provided everything. Even on the link to safestemcells.org in my sig there are scientific papers talking about stem cells! NOT just press releases. Even the link I've posted before about researchers curing Blindness with the first stem cell therapy FOR age-related macular degeneration in the UK provides the scientific proof!
I'm not attacking anyone - merely defending my position and providing proof in light of misinformation and providing a balanced perspective from someone that almost went down the wrong path for my own hearing. All of you started attacking ANYONE that took the position of stem cells. When I was going for CI, everyone never attacked me at all. When I finally got educated and saw the real price of CI and what it would entail, and then finally decided against it, EVERYONE started attacking me for the mere reason that I decided upon some other method to regain my hearing. What if I had decided on some other mode of implantation that was experimental and not FDA approved? I'm sure that you would be supporting me there too. How's THAT for hypocritical? I've even said in previous posts how I understand that in situations of severe-profound hearing loss where NO ONE can benefit from hearing aids, how I would fully support them going for Cochlear Implantation.
I realize there are other reasons as to why people would need CI - I'm certainly not discounting this fact. I just do not want anyone with enough residual hearing to buy into the marketing hype that is constantly perpetuated on this discussion forum about CIs when natural cures for hearing loss are on the horizon. Sure, the results are there. But at what cost? For me, I can't justify a surgery that has so many mixed results from implantation until there is a study with scientific proof that PROVES that I will be obtaining near normal hearing with CI in my other ear. For that, I can wait until stem cells arrive.
Well said! I don't have a CI but I have seen the results in the kids I work with. I have seen kids who had some speech discrim before and some residual hearing who after the CI can speak and hear way better than they could before. When that is actually happening with stem cells I'd say go for it, but until then CI is what we have and it works.
Again, no one, especially me, is discounting the results of CI. I know it works to some VARYING degree in most people - but I'd like to see you provide scientific proof that it will work on ME without 1. Pulsating sounds, 2. Paralyzed face, and providing 3. My left ear will sound exactly like my right ear currently does providing a seamless hearing experience without a robotic sound, and 4. Won't even work AT ALL, which has happened in quite a few cases.
I know perfectly well that ALL of you anti stem cell folks will be the first in line to get your hearing restored using stem cells once it has been proven to work on many different people. We'll see who's the hypocrite then. Of course, I will be glad to bow down to the politics of this board, publically apologize, and then go for a CI in five years if the stem cell cure for sensorineural hearing loss has not moved any closer to final fruition by then. I'm certainly not going anywhere.