One more MONTH and then SCHOOL is OUT


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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What are we gonna do?
Seriousily? That is 2 months of
24/7 KIDS!!!!

GalaxyAngel! I am dropping mine of at your house!
LOL :giggle:

So Moms and Dads??
How are you gonna entertain your lil angels :angel:?

Middlest is going into gymnastics.
Oldest is going into swimming and something else
Youngest (we haven't figured it out yet LOL)
I will probably get so lonely, that I would want her
to be around!
My son will be out on 16th and graduating from pre school on 12th instead of 19th. Don't ask me why. So I won't go overwhelmed with packing, cleaning etc on the 19th before we fly out to West Coast. :)

Some kids won't get out till 22nd.
:angel: My son will get out on the 22nd. We are planning a trip to New Hampshire the first week of July for 8 days. Then my son will go to Summer School for the rest of the month of July. Then we will just take it day by day on what we will do. :)
I will going be graduation at Disneyland on June 14 then graduation at school field on June 16. Everyone will get out on June 16 too. School will start again on Sept 18 but not for me because already graduation soon.
My kids will be out of school on May 19th. All kids in school near here will be out of school on May 19th. Other schools will be out on May 26th.

School will start back on August 1st instead of late August. Makes me so angry. And school will not be out again til July *I think*. That is so stupid-the school system sucks in my area.
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
My kids will be out of school on May 19th. All kids in school near here will be out of school on May 19th. Other schools will be out on May 26th.

School will start back on August 1st instead of late August. Makes me so angry. And school will not be out again til July *I think*. That is so stupid-the school system sucks in my area.

That's too early but school in SoCal is used started in late August in early 90's, it's changed to make start in after labor day in September because laws is already passed that all school are required closed until after labor day, for our school, it start in September 18 but some other schools are start in last week of September. You can complain and ask someone to make new laws that forced all schools to keep closed until after labor day or late than that.
TrippLA said:
That's too early but school in SoCal is used started in late August in early 90's, it's changed to make start in after labor day in September because laws is already passed that all school are required closed until after labor day, for our school, it start in September 18 but some other schools are start in last week of September. You can complain and ask someone to make new laws that forced all schools to keep closed until after labor day or late than that.

Too early? No it is not. Has been that way for years and nothing have changed. I was out of school in May when I was in 11th grade and we went back to school in late August. I got out of school in June the same day of my graduation so that is life.

btw, I am not complaining for me. I am complaining for other schools. They want to keep kids in school too long and not giving them a break. It is like they want to explode those kids' brains without giving them a break.
The school I work at will be out on June 15 but I stay a week longer to close up the caferiteria. Then my son will be going to camp in aug. But I am planning to work during the summer so he will be going to his friend's house while I go to work. :D
DeafGeorgiaLady said:
Too early? No it is not. Has been that way for years and nothing have changed. I was out of school in May when I was in 11th grade and we went back to school in late August. I got out of school in June the same day of my graduation so that is life.

btw, I am not complaining for me. I am complaining for other schools. They want to keep kids in school too long and not giving them a break. It is like they want to explode those kids' brains without giving them a break.

That's not good, kids would have no fun in summer. :(
I graduated on middle of June in 1996....yes I got a 10 year reunion on June (next month) ;)
sequoias said:
I graduated on middle of June in 1996....yes I got a 10 year reunion on June (next month) ;)

Have great reunion :)
I need help with school

You are right, school is almost out and I need help. For an assignment for my ASL class, I have to interview someone and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me. The teacher said I could do it this way, over the net.