You know, it's funny. I'm immersed in technology all day, every day. It's my occupation (and geek leanings, my girlfriend might point out!). I would never dream of purchasing equipment without extensive research, either for personal or business use. Yet, for years I would just accept the audiologist's recommendation without question.
I mention that by way of replying to Banjo's post. With regards to why I want a Naida, well, it's simply because that is what the audiologist recommended (probably because my current Widex Inteo hearing aid also uses frequency transposition).
My own post was more a lamentation against (what appears to be) unfair pricing. But I suppose now I ought to look a little more closely at why I want (or would accept a recommendation of) the Naida.
Primarily, befitting a geek, I want the Bluetooth capability with the iCom, as well as the benefits of using the SmartLink+ FM system. SoundRecover also sounds like a great feature given that my hearing is a 'ski slope', so I'd be curious to learn more about why you do not like it.
A big thing that draws me, though, is Phonak's claim of 'water resistance'. I live in a very humid climate, and am blessed (cursed) with a very productive perspiration system

. Some protection against those things would be nice to have.
Anyway, that's my two cents. Would welcome some more information on the Naida or other comparable aids for severe-to-profound hearing loss.