On-Line ASL Dictionary


New Member
Oct 25, 2004
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At some point I had a link to a website that I cannot find now. It was basically a signing dictionary that showed a small movie clip of the word selected. I had used it a couple of times trying to find a sign. I cannot locate that link. Anyone know the site I'm referring to?
Does anyone else know a good ASL dictionary webpage?? I'd like to look thru them, and recommend my hearing friends and bf to check them out. :)
Bilingual Sign Language Dictionary Website

Hi mate,

I hope my website will help a little.

For my university project I have created a website that converts simples letters, words and phrases in to its ASL and BSL equivalent. URL as follows:

Currently the website is a prototype and if there is a lot of interest in the website, further sign languages will be added. Further words and phrases will be added soon. Also if any you have any words or phrases you feel would be helpful, please let me know (contact details can be found in the website). Also please feel free to send me your sign videos to add, either via email or using the upload facility from the website. Hope you all like the website, and please sign the guest book, all comments will be a great help.

Thanks all,


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